Let's have a Dance Party with Jesus!

Rise and Shine
I Have Decided
Oh, My Shepherd
Daddy God

God is Calling You

Will you hear and follow Him?

Jesus is our good Shepherd!

A shepherd watches after every sheep and takes care of them. Sometimes dangerous animals like bears and lions would come and try to hurt his sheep. The shepherd protects the sheep and chases all of the dangerous animals away from them.

At other times the sheep would wander away from the rest of the sheep and the shepherd had to call out the sheep’s name. When the sheep hears the shepherd’s voice, he would run back to the shepherd.

In the same way you are important to God. He does not want anyone to be lost either. Every one of you is important to God.

📖 Read Luke 15 for the whole story.

“My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me”

John 10:27 (NIV)

Shepherding was a very common occupation in Jesus’ time. The people listening to Jesus tell this story knew how hard a shepherd worked and how dedicated he was to his flock. A shepherd cared for all of his sheep. It didn’t matter if he had ten sheep or a hundred, a good shepherd knew all of his sheep by name. He counted them every night, and if one came up missing, and he would risk his life to go and find them.

God loved us so much, He sent His only Son, Jesus to die for us. God doesn’t want any of His sheep, any of us, to be lost. God loved us enough to die for us. If we are growing in our faith, we will love other people the way Jesus loved us. We won’t judge others, but we will love and care for everyone who needs love. We will produce love like a fruit, and that fruit will help others come to believe that Jesus loves them too.

How can we apply God's Word?

Many people today think love is a thing. They think it’s a feeling that can come and go. The Bible teaches us that love is not an emotion, but an action. It’s easy to say you love someone, but it’s quite another to actually do it.

The shepherd didn’t just say he loved his sheep. He proved it. He left the flock behind and found the one that was lost. Jesus did the same thing when He came looking for us. He laid down his life for us. If we are truly followers of Jesus, we will do the same.

Love means we put the needs of others ahead of our own. It means we are willing to give even when someone can’t repay us. It means we are willing to help even when we are not asked. It means we are willing to sacrifice time, money, energy, whatever is required so that we can show someone else they are loved.

Love is one fruit the whole world needs desperately. We need to love people no matter who they are, where they came from, or what they believe. Just as Jesus loved everyone that crossed his path, we need to love our neighbors, our classmates, and our friends.

When someone needs help, we need to love them. When someone is mean to us, we need to love them. When someone is hurting, we need to love them.

Love is the first fruit of the Spirit, and the more we grow in Christ, the more we will love others. Let’s commit to grow in love so that we can overflow with love to those who need it. Let’s be Children of God who seek after the lost sheep so that everyone can find their way into God’s Kingdom.

“My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.” John 10:27 (NIV)

Let us close in Worship

With Les Paul Rabago Celino from group Prayer
If you do not own a Silver Boxes Prayer Journal, you may use your own notebook.


  1. Discuss what you have learnt today with your family, and write/draw them down in your prayer journal.

  1. You can draw or write how God speaks to you or calls you.

  1. Write down the verses that guide you back to God when you are lost.

Take a photo of your journal entry and email it to us at silverboxesplmc@gmail.com

Silver Boxes DAILY MANNA
My Daily Bible Reading Plan

Follow this plan and read the Bible passage for the day. Pray and ask God to help you understand His Word.

Here are some pointers to guide you along:
  1. What was the main event or message?

  2. Who were the people involved?

  3. When, where and why did it happen?

  4. What does this teach me about God?

  5. What does this teach me about how I should live?

  6. How can I apply God’s promises to my life?

  7. Memorise a key verse from the passage.

  8. Hide God’s Word in your heart and practise it in your day to day routine.