C2. Final Paper


This entry focuses on a significant academic work that demonstrates reflection. Written in SDAD 5750, Best Practices, I learned much about what different institutional types were doing to support their students. By exploring these different strategies I was able to cultivate a foundational pillar of how I want to approach my own practice. 

Skills Demonstrated

This entry shows my ability to critically analyze dominant student affairs practices from a liberation-based lens. It also highlights my ability to define my values as a professional supported with current research and literature.

Learning Outcomes

#1. Understanding the foundations and emerging nature of the Student Affairs profession and higher education

#2. Understanding students and student issues

#3. Exhibiting professional integrity and ethical leadership in professional practice

#4. Understanding and fostering diversity, justice and a sustainable world formed by a global perspective and Jesuit Catholic tradition

#5. Adapting student services to specific environments and cultures

#8. Communicating effectively in speech and in writing

#10. Establishing and enhancing professional identity

DGonzales SDAD 5750 Final Paper.pdf