B. Mission Statement


This entry contains my mission statement, crafted with reminders of where I have been and hope for where I am going.  Written in SDAD 5900, Student Development Capstone Seminar I engaged in reflection where I found the roots of my why and how I act upon it. This entry is a letter to myself to hold me accountable to my work. 

Skills Demonstrated

A skill highlighted in this entry is my ability to articulate my professional identity. In doing so I provide examples of where my values and work intersect. I also reflect on my own lived experiences and positionalities and how they influence my work. 

Learning Outcomes

#3. Exhibiting professional integrity and ethical leadership in professional practice

#4. Understanding and fostering diversity, justice and a sustainable world formed by a global perspective and Jesuit Catholic tradition

#5. Adapting student services to specific environments and cultures

#6. Developing and demonstrating skills in leadership and collaboration

#8. Communicating effectively in speech and in writing

#10. Establishing and enhancing professional identity

DGonzales HESA Mission Statement.pdf