Regulation Goals: IEP

Stuart Shanker's Self Regulation Rubric would be a great place to start when coming up with Self Regulation expectations for a student's IEP.


Instead of writing "John will self regulate" or "Jill will comply with all teacher requests" why not try out some of the suggestions below?

These suggestions are based on the Self Regulation Rubric and focus on one step at a time.

Reframe the Behaviour.

  • Jack will begin to identify situations where his reactions were caused by feeling stressed.

  • Jack will sometimes reflect on what triggered his stress response behaviour after he has calmed down.

  • With support, Jill will identify how she is feeling (Zones of Regulation).

Recognize the Stressors

  • Jack will identify situations that can be stressful for people his age or developmental level.

  • Jill will identify some triggers that make her feel stressed.

  • Jill will recognize that co-regulation support is a positive thing and practice these strategies with a trusted adult when asked.

Reduce the Stress

  • Jack will ask for help when he feels himself becoming stressed (tummy feels tight, fists are clenching).

  • Jill will use her words to let people know when she is feeling frustrated (negative thoughts, feeling like she wants to leave).

  • Jack will practice strategies that he finds effective (4 square breathing, going for a walk around the school) at scheduled times throughout his day.

  • Jill will utilize her break card to go for a walk when she finds herself starting to feel stressed(getting upset, tummy hurting).

Reflect: Enhance Stress Awareness

  • Jack will identify what his body feels like when he is calm and ready to work.

  • Jill will begin to identify some strategies that help her feel calmer.

  • Jack will begin to identify when, after using a strategy, he is more calm and able to return to work.


  • Jack will identify some stressors that make people feel frustrated or upset.

  • Jack will identify some strategies that help him feel calm (happy, ready to work).

  • With some support, Jill will use strategies(breathing, taking breaks) when she is starting to feel stressed (tummy feeling tight, shoulders feeling tight).