Professional Learning Opportunities

Elementary Physical Education 

Physical Education professional learning opportunities support teachers in designing and delivering high-quality instruction to meet the physical and emotional needs of their students. Using the New York City Physical Education Scope and Sequence documents, teachers will learn to build communities of learners and design curriculum that supports their students' needs. 

Questions? Email your Borough Team. 

Physical Education Professional Learning 

Fitness Education and NYC FITNESSGRAM

These professional learning opportunities (PLOs) will review the 2023-2024 requirements for NYC FITNESSGRAM and strategies for assessing students. 

Self-Guided Course  (CTLE: 3 hours)

Fitness Education and NYC FITNESSGRAM (K-12) 

Audience: New K-12 PE teachers (less than 5 years of teaching). All PE teachers welcome to attend. 

In this self-guided WeLearnNYC course, participants will learn why fitness education is an essential component of teaching PE and review strategies and tips for administering the NYC FITNESSGRAM assessments.  After successful completion of this course, eligible PE teachers (opens in new window) will receive access to the NYC FITNESSGRAM web-based application and can request the Physical Best 4th Edition textbook (limited supplies). 

Note: This training was formerly referred to as “PE Basics 1: Asynchronous Course” and will cover the same content. If you have PE Basics 1 on your Events/CTLE record (opens in new window), then you do not need to take this course. 

Enroll in the WeLearnNYC course and complete on your own time


Live Webinar (CTLE: 90 minutes)

Introduction to NYC FITNESSGRAM

Audience: K-12 PE Teachers 

In this interactive webinar, participants review the Fitness Education Cycle and an introduction to the NYC FITNESSGRAM assessments and associated resources. After successful completion of this webinar, eligible PE teachers (opens in new window) will receive access to the NYC FITNESSGRAM web-based application and can request the FitnessGram® Administration Manual (limited supplies). 

Register for one of the webinar dates/times below

Previous webinars

Technical Support (No CTLE)

NYC FITNESSGRAM Virtual Technical Support 

Support for physical education teachers using the NYC FITNESSGRAM web application to troubleshoot access issues and answer common user questions. Support is provided to individuals or small groups and focuses on user identified needs including logging in, setting up classes, validating scores, exempting students, and running reports. Before registering for this session, PE teachers should review the articles available in the Wellness Hub Support Center (opens in new window). 



Curriculum Mapping

These professional learning opportunities (PLOs) will explore strategies for curriculum mapping and provide instructions to access planning resources and curricula.  

Self-Guided Course  - Coming Soon

Introduction to Curriculum Mapping in Physical Education (K-12) 

In this self-guided WeLearnNYC course, participants will learn how to how to create a custom Physical Education (PE) curriculum map that addresses the unique needs and interests of a school community, and explores the tools and resources available that emphasize students’ physical literacy and skill development. Note: This  content was previously delivered as part of the PE Basics 2 Unit Planning series.  If you have PE Basics 2 on your Events/CTLE record (opens in new window) note that some of the content may be familiar.    

Enroll in the WeLearnNYC course and complete on your own time

Live Webinar (CTLE: 90 minutes)

Strategies for Elementary Curriculum Mapping in Physical Education (K-5)

In this interactive webinar, participants will explore key strategies needed to create a curriculum that prioritizes Elementary Physical Education (PE) learning outcomes, content spiraling, and creating assessments that showcase student learning. 

Note: This  content was previously delivered as part of the PE Basics 2 Unit Planning series.  If you have PE Basics 2 on your Events/CTLE record (opens in new window) note that some of the content may be familiar. 

Register for one of the webinar dates/times below

Previous webinars

Community Building 

These professional learning opportunities (PLOs) will examine social emotional learning competencies and how to apply these to your Physical Education class. 

Live Webinar (CTLE: 90 minutes)

Introduction to Community Building in Physical Education (K-12) 

In this interactive webinar, participants will review the CASEL’s (opens in new window) social emotional learning competencies and how these can support the development of social emotional learning skills in Physical Education (PE).  

Note: This  content was previously delivered as part of the PE Basics 3 Community Building series.  If you have PE Basics 3 on your Events/CTLE record (opens in new window) note that some of the content may be familiar.    

Register for one of the webinar dates/times below


       Previous webinars

Live Webinar (CTLE: 90 minutes)

Strategies for Creating Community in  Physical Education (K-12) 

In this interactive webinar, participants explore key strategies that prioritize social emotional learning outcomes and will walk away with practical community building instructional strategies and activities that can be immediately integrated into lesson plans or curriculum.  

Note: This  content was previously delivered as part of the PE Basics 3 Community Building series.  If you have PE Basics 3 on your Events/CTLE record (opens in new window) note that some of the content may be familiar.    

Register for one of the webinar dates/times below

Previous webinars

Inclusive PE and Adapted Physical Education (APE)

These professional learning opportunities (PLOs) will explore the basics of Adapted PE and ensure your PE program is inclusive for students of all abilities. 

Live Webinar (CTLE: 90 minutes)

Introduction to Adapted Physical Education (Grades K-12) 

In this webinar presented by the Office of School Wellness Programs,  participants will learn the who, what, why, where, and how of providing adapted physical education for students with disabilities. Topics will include the Individuals with  Disabilities in Education Act, evaluation procedures, the least restrictive environment, 504s, the physical educator’s role in the IEP process, as well as what professional learning opportunities, resources, and supports are available for teachers. 

Register for one of the webinar dates/times below

Previous webinars

Live Webinar (CTLE: 90 minutes)

IEP Development for Adapted PE (K-12) 

Audience: All PE teachers instructing students with Adapted Physical Education (APE) on their IEP, school psychologists and other IEP Team members  

In this interactive webinar, participants receive an introduction to Individualized Education Program (IEP) components and will review the Adapted Physical Education requirements under IDEA and how to develop a comprehensive Present Level of Performance (PLOP) for students with disabilities. 

Note: This content was previously delivered as part of the Adapted Physical Education and the IEP 2-part series. If you have APE and the IEP on your Events/CTLE record (opens in new window), note that some of the content might be familiar.    


Register for one of the webinar dates/times below 

Previous webinars 

Live Webinar (CTLE: 90 minutes)

IEP Goals and Progress Monitoring for Adapted PE (K-12) 

Audience: All PE teachers instructing students with Adapted Physical Education (APE) on their IEP, school psychologists and other IEP Team members  

In this interactive webinar, participants review the Individualized Education Program (IEP) components and how to construct developmentally appropriate annual goals that align with the NYC PE Scope and Sequence, student assessment and progress monitoring.    

Note: This content was previously delivered as part of the Adapted Physical Education and the IEP 2-part series. If you have APE and the IEP on your Events/CTLE record (opens in new window), note that some of the content might be familiar.    


Register for one of the webinar dates/times below 

Previous webinars 

Live Webinar (CTLE: 90 minutes)

Physical Education for ALL Students: Principles of Universal Design (K-12)

In this interactive webinar, participants learn universal design principles and strategies to differentiate instruction to include students with disabilities in general Physical Education (PE). 

Note: This content was previously delivered as part of the Strategies for Inclusion in Physical Education 2-part series. If you have Strategies for Inclusion in PE on your Events/CTLE record (opens in new window), note that some of the content might be familiar.    

Register for one of the webinar dates/times below 

Previous webinars 


Live Webinar (CTLE: 90 minutes)

Including ALL Students in Physical Education: Understanding Disabilities  (K-12) 

In this interactive webinar, participants review universal design principles and strategies to include students with disabilities, with a focus on the various disability classifications under the Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act (IDEA) and the design of appropriate tasks and activities aligned to the NYC PE Scope and Sequence. 

Note: This content was previously delivered as part of the Strategies for Inclusion in Physical Education 2-part series. If you have Strategies for Inclusion in PE on your Events/CTLE record (opens in new window), note that some of the content might be familiar.    

Register for one of the webinar dates/times below 

Previous webinars

Live Webinar (CTLE: 90 minutes)

Assessing Inclusion in Physical Education: Using the Lieberman-Brian Rating Scale for Physical  Education (LIRSPE) (K-12) 

Students in all grade levels enter Physical Education (PE) classes with wide variation in skill level and ability to access the tasks of the PE program. PE teachers must intentionally plan to include learners of all abilities in their classes. This session, presented by the Office of School Wellness Programs, introduces the Lieberman-Brian Inclusion Rating Scale for Physical Education (LIRSPE). The scale is used to assess the efforts of PE teachers to include all learners in the PE program when planning for instruction. Participants will review the LIRSPE tool, use it to assess strengths and gaps in their inclusive practices and discuss and share strategies to ensure all students have appropriate access to PE learning experience.    

Register for one of the webinar dates/times below 

Previous webinars

Adapted PE for IEP Team Members: Available upon request (No CTLE) 

These individualized virtual or on-site support sessions provide guidance to school psychologists, Individualized Education Program (IEP) teachers, school administrators, and/or Physical Education (PE) teachers in the provision of Adapted Physical Education (APE). These meetings provide support in areas identified by participants, including student evaluations, identifying the least restrictive environment in which a student should receive PE instruction, instructional resources, as well as guidance with sections of the IEP, such as Present Levels of Performance (PLOP), goals, and progress monitoring.  


Safe and Supportive Schools for LGBTQ+ Students

These professional learning opportunities (PLOs) will review concepts and terminology to better support students and families with diverse identities and examine tools, including age appropriate recommended lesson plans. 

Self-Guided Course (CTLE: 45 minutes)

Introduction to LGBTQ+ Concepts and Terminology (K-12)

In this self-guided WeLearnNYC course, participants will  examine concepts and terminology like sex assigned at birth, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, and discuss creating an inclusive environment that benefits all students by promoting diversity. 

Enroll in the WeLearnNYC course and complete on your own time

Live Webinar (CTLE: 90 minutes)

Build an Affirming Community with OUT for Safe Schools  (K-12) 

In this interactive webinar, participants are provided tools to build affirming school communities in their classroom through instructional best practices, and outside of their classroom with the OUT for Safe Schools® badge campaign, GSA club, and resource availability for LGBTQ+ students that includes all their identities.  By the end of the webinar, participants will be able to explain the importance of being affirming and inclusive of all student identities, identify strategies to be more inclusive during instruction, understand the importance of utilizing the OUT for Safe Schools badges, continue or launch a Gender and Sexualities Alliance (GSA) club, and recommend affirming and age-appropriate in-person and online resources to their students.


Register for one of the webinar dates/times below 

Previous webinars


Learn more about supporting your PE program with Move-to-Improve. 

Visit the Move-to-Improve page in this catalog (opens in same window) for registration information and MTI resources.

Culturally Responsive Teaching 

These professional learning opportunities (PLOs), provided by partner organizations, will review Culturally Responsive Teaching (CRT) concepts and how they can be applied to classroom practices and instructional strategies. 

Live Webinar (CTLE: 90 minutes)

Rigor, Relevance, Relationships: The Fundamentals of Culturally Responsive Pedagogy (K-12)

In this webinar, facilitated by Dr. Yolanda Sealey-Ruiz, of Archaeology of Self (opens in new window), participants explore how culturally responsive pedagogy can positively impact student academic outcomes. Participants will examine how academic rigor, relevance and relationships can be practically applied to health and physical education classrooms, and learn to identify and interrupt biases and stereotypes in their thinking and their behavior. 

Register for one of the webinar dates/times below

Previous webinars

Professional Learning Policies and Expectations