RTG @ Northeastern
Algebraic Geometry and Representation Theory
Upcoming Events
May 5-16, 2025, Summer School on Machine Learning for Mathematicians and Physicists
Summer 2025, Independent Research Experience for undergraduate students
June 3-13, 2025, Advances in Representation Theory CASL 2025, workshop and conference
Current Events
Spring 2025 Graduate Courses
MATH 7316 – Lie Algebras. Instructor: Iva Halacheva.
MATH 7320 – Modern Algebraic Geometry (Algebraic Geometry 2). Instructor: Valerio Toledano Laredo.
MATH 7364 – Topics in Algebraic Geometry (Intersection Theory). Instructor: Yan Zhou.
MATH 7375 – Topics in Topology (Intersection Homology and Perverse Sheaves). Instructor: Pablo Boixeda Alvarez.
Past Events
Spring 2025
Special Lecture, February 28, 2025, Machine Learning as a Tool for Pure Mathematics, Jordan Ellenberg, video recording.
Advanced mini-course: Jonathan Brundan (University of Oregon), Classical representation theory via categorification, January 13-17, 2025
Fall 2024
Advanced mini-course: Bernhard Keller (Université Paris Cité), Towards Higgs categories for cluster algebras in higher Teichmuller Theory, October 21-25, 2024
Advanced mini-course: Ben Davison (University of Edinburgh), Yangians and BPS Lie algebras, November 14-22, 2024
Fall 2024, Graduate Courses
MATH 8460 – Research seminar in Geometry and Representation Theory (Harmonic Analysis for p-adic and adelic reductive groups). Instructors: Eric Opdam and Valerio Toledano Laredo.
MATH 8450 – Research seminar in Mathematics. Instructor: Jonathan Weitsman.
MATH 7335 – Readings in Algebraic Geometry (Toric varieties). Instructor: Valerio Toledano Laredo.
Summer 2024
Independent Research Experience for undergraduate students
Spring 2024
Advanced mini-course: Andrea d’Agnolo (Università degli studi di Padova), The Riemann-Hilbert correspondence, May 6-9, 2024
Graduate course: MATH 7314 - Algebraic Geometry 1. Instructor: Valerio Toledano Laredo.
Graduate course: MATH 7363 - Topics in Algebraic Geometry (Moduli of Curves). Instructor: Yan Zhou
Graduate course: MATH 7734 Readings in Algebra (Introduction to categorification). Instructor: Iva Halacheva.
Fall 2023
Graduate course: MATH 8450 - Research seminar in mathematics. Instructor: Valerio Toledano Laredo.
Spring 2023
Research Seminar: MATH 7320 - Modern Algebraic Geometry: Graduate Research Seminar on Stable Envelopes and Quantum Groups. Organizers: E. Casbi, H. Dinkins, I. Halacheva, J. Wen, V. Toledano Laredo, Y. Zhou.
Lecture series for undergraduate students: Moon Duchin (Tufts), February 10, 2023.
Advanced mini-course: David Hernandez (Université Paris Cité), Cluster algebras and quantum affine algebras, March 15-24, 2023
Conference: New England Algebraic Topology and Mathematical Physics Seminar, April 1-3 2023, Northeastern University. Organizers: Chris Elliott (Amherst College), Ben Knudsen (Northeastern University), Laura Murray (Providence College), Valerio Toledano Laredo (Northeastern University) and Brian Williams (Boston University).
Fall 2022
Graduate course: MATH 7221 - Topology 2. Instructor: Matt Hogancamp
Graduate course: MATH 7364 - Topics in Representation Theory (Lie Groups). Instructor: Valerio Toledano Laredo
Graduate course: MATH 8450 - Research seminar in mathematics. Instructor: Jonathan Weitsman.
Spring 2022
Graduate course: MATH 7381 Topics in Combinatorics (Schubert Calculus). Instructor: Iva Halacheva
Fall 2021
Graduate course: MATH 7351 - Mathematical methods of classical mechanics. Instructor: Jonathan Weitsman.
Graduate course: MATH 7363 - Topics in algebraic geometry. Instructor: Vance Blankers.
Graduate course: MATH 8450 - Research seminar in mathematics. Instructor: Jonathan Weitsman.
Spring 2021
Graduate course: MATH 7320 - Modern algebraic geometry. Instructor: Peter Crooks.
Graduate course: MATH 7363 - Topics in algebraic geometry. Instructor: Matej Penciak.
Graduate course: MATH 7735 - Readings in algebraic geometry. Instructor: Alina Marian
Graduate course: MATH 8450 - Research seminar in mathematics. Instructor: Jonathan Weitsman.
Fall 2020
Graduate course: MATH 7303 - Complex manifolds. Instructor: Alina Marian.
Graduate course: MATH 7316 - Lie algebras. Instructor: Iva Halacheva.
Graduate course: MATH 7352 - Mathematical methods of quantum mechanics. Instructor: Chris Beasley
Spring 2020
Advanced mini-course: Mario Salvetti (Università di Pisa) and Giovanni Paolini (Caltech), The K(π,1) conjecture for affine Artin groups, March 30-April 3.
Colloquium: Vaughan Jones (Vanderbilt), Joint Mathematics Colloquium, April 16, 4:30PM, Lake Hall 509.
Fall 2019
Advanced mini-course: Gennadi Kasparov (Vanderbilt), K-theory of group C*-algebras and applications, October 22,23,24 at 1:15-2:35.
Research Seminar: Factorization Homology along Surfaces and Quantum Groups. Organizers: Brian Williams, Matt Hogancamp, Ben Knudsen, Valerio Toledano Laredo, Pavel Etingof (MIT).
Summer 2019
Conference: Quantum Structures in Algebra and Geometry. August 26-30, 2019, Northeastern University.
Spring 2019
Graduate course: MATH 7364 – Quantum groups and crystal bases. Instructor: Valerio Toledano Laredo.
Graduate course: MATH 7374 - Riemannian Geometry and General Relativity. Instructor: Chris Beasley. Lecture Notes.
Graduate course: MATH 7350 - Microlocal Analysis and Symplectic Geometry Seminar. Instructors: Jeff Galkowski, Jonathan Weitsman, Ting Zhou.
Research Seminar: MATH 7393 - Moduli theory of sheaves and Vafa-Witten theory. Instructor: Alina Marian.
Fall 2018
Advanced mini-course: Vikraman Balaji (Chennai Mathematical Institute), Parabolic bundles, parabolic torsors and representations of Fuchsian groups, November 5-8, 2018.
Advanced mini-course: Owen Gwilliam (University of Massachusetts Amherst), Chern-Simons theory & quantum groups approached through factorization algebras, October 23-25, 2018.
Research Seminar: MATH 7352 - The Yangian and 4d gauge theory. Organizers: Chris Beasley, Valerio Toledano Laredo, Brian Williams (NEU) and Pavel Etingof (MIT).
Research Seminar: MATH 8450 - Research Seminar in Mathematics. Instructor: Jonathan Weitsman.
Spring 2018
Advanced mini-course: Samuel Grushevsky (Stony Brook University), Mirzakhani's recursion for Weil-Petersson volumes of moduli spaces, April 17-19, 2018.
Advanced mini-course: Alex Küronya (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt), Geometric aspects of Newton-Okounkov bodies, March 12-15, 2018.
Graduate course: MATH 7316 - Lie Algebras. Instructor: Valerio Toledano Laredo.
Graduate course: MATH 7361 - Schemes. Instructor: Emanuele Macrì.
Lecture series for undergraduate students: Aaron Lauda (University of Southern California), February 20-23, 2018. Lecture 1: Diagrammatic algebra; Lecture 2: Higher categories and two-dimensional topology.
Research seminar: Math 8460 - Mapping class groups and the cohomology of moduli spaces of curves. Instructor: Ana-Maria Castravet.
Fall 2017
Advanced mini-course: François Charles (Université Paris-Sud), Algebraic cycles and Arakelov geometry, October 10-13, 2017.
Research Seminar: Math 8450 - Research Seminar in Mathematics. Instructor: Jonathan Weitsman.
Faculty and postdocs hold a meeting
REU participants meet for colloquium
Northeastern University, Department of Mathematics, 360 Huntington Avenue, Boston, MA 02115, USA. Phone: +1 617 373 2000.
Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s), and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation