

RTG fellowships for graduate students are intended to allow graduate students significant time for research, course work, and related activities. RTG funds will provide $30,000 total stipend per student for eleven months each year, with no teaching duties.  A graduate student can receive up to 33 months of non-teaching support from an RTG activity. For the remaining years, they will be supported as Teaching Assistants in the Department of Mathematics. Participating  graduate students must be citizens, nationals, or permanent residents of the United States or its territories and possessions.

To apply to the graduate program at Northeastern (and for more information), the official website is at the following link. You have to apply to be admitted as PhD student in Mathematics. If you are interested in being part of the RTG group, please mention it in your application form. Deadline for 2018 is already passed. The new round of applications will be open in Fall 2018.

Past and current RTG graduate student fellows are here.