
Postdoctoral Fellowship

The grant will support the hiring of a total of five RTG Zelevinsky Research Instructors.

These positions provide promising mathematicians the opportunity to begin their careers in an active and stimulating research environment, with attractive teaching assignments and with ample opportunity for contact with senior research mathematicians. Appointments are for three years, non-tenured, and non-renewable. The teaching load is two courses per academic year.  Applicants should have strong research potential and a commitment to high quality classroom instruction. Field of research should be consonant with the areas of Geometry, Physics, and Representation Theory. Eligible candidates must be citizens, nationals, or permanent residents of the United States or its territories and possessions. They may not have held the doctoral degree for more than two years as of January 1 of the year in which their appointment begins.

The third round of applications is now closed. We expect more positions to be advertised in Fall 2019. To apply please visit and then finalize your application by visiting “Careers at Northeastern” at:

The past and current RTG Zelevinsky Research Instructors can be found here.

Foreign applicants are encouraged to apply to the Zelevinsky Research Instructor position in the Department of Mathematics at Northeastern University, specifying their interest in the group activities.