Award Information

RTG: Algebraic Geometry and Representation Theory at Northeastern is a $2.3M research and training grant, sponsored by the National Science Foundation, as DMS-1645877.

The funding for project started on August 1, 2017 and it will end on July 31, 2024.

The publications and preprints of our group related to the project are available at the preprint server and listed here.

The News@Northeastern February 2018 article on our group can be found here.


Algebraic geometry and representation theory are two extremely active fields of mathematics, with deep connections to other areas of mathematics (for example, number theory, topology, and symplectic geometry) and theoretical physics (for example, string theory, conformal field theory, and statistical mechanics). Algebraic geometry studies curves and surfaces defined by polynomial equations and their higher dimensional analogs, while representation theory studies symmetry. The two subjects interact: geometric objects have symmetries and one can use geometry to study symmetry. This Research Training Group project aims to recruit and train young people by engaging them in research in these exciting areas of mathematics. 

The project involves all levels of education, from undergraduate to postdoctoral studies. The group activities include:

The group activities are centered on research themes in algebraic geometry and representation theory that include derived categories and homological algebra techniques, hyperkähler manifolds, quantum cohomology and counting invariants, Hodge theory, and connections with physics and mirror symmetry. The undergraduate research experience activities include representation theory of finite groups (including modular representation theory), crystals, quivers, computational aspects of commutative algebra and algebraic geometry, and elementary intersection theory. The project includes organization of a large international research conference in the fifth year. 

Northeastern University, Department of Mathematics, 360 Huntington Avenue, Boston, MA 02115, USA. Phone: +1 617 373 2000.