4th Grade Reading and Writing

Lesson Plans for 4/6/2020-4/10/2020


Monday- Istation 45 minutes

Tuesday- IXL- H.2 -Compare and contrast characters

Wednesday- Zoom Meetings

Thursday- quizizz- Comparing and contrasting

Friday- Zoom meetings


Monday- Final Draft from last week is due on HMH

Tuesday- IXL T. 1,2,3- Descriptive detail

Wednesday- Zoom Meetings

Thursday- Quizizz- Descriptive detail

Friday- Zoom meetings

Introduction Video for HMH work. We will be completing assignments from this website to reduce the transferring of homework. On this platform we will be writing our essays and taking exams. Please review as it has vital information for your child's education.

Hmh writing.webm

What is a trickster tale?? Today's video lesson for writing this weeks essay.

User names and passwords are below for Education Galaxy

Lesson Plans for 3/31/2020-4/3//2020Reading-Monday- HMH- Reading Growth Measure: HMH Reading Growth Measure AssignmentTuesday Istation- 45 minutes reading.Wednesday- read saving temp sea turtle on HMH website. take quiz over storyThursday-complete Global Guardians assignment on HMH websiteFriday- Istation 45 minutes with oral fluency test.
Writing- Complete Essay about "A Trickster Tale" on the HMH Website.Brainstorm- MondayThesis, topic sentences, and conclusion-TuesdayRough draft -Wednesdayediting- ThursdayFinal- Friday
Reading- Take Education Galaxy Reading Pre-test under "My Diagnostics"- Monday and Tuesday Take Education Galaxy Reading Pre-test under "My Diagnostics"- Monday and Tuesday Education Galaxy- Roots and Affixes assignment - Wednesday Education Galaxy- Homophones assignment- Thursday Quizizz- Over Roots and affixes and HomophonesWriting- Take Education Galaxy Writing Pre-test under "My Diagnostics"- Monday and Tuesday Take Education Galaxy Writing Pre-test under "My Diagnostics"- Monday and Tuesday Education Galaxy- Capitalization Assignment- Wednesday Education Galaxy- Punctuation Assignment- Thursday Education Galaxy- Spelling Assignments- Friday