Domain 1: Content Knowledge and Pedagogy

Passing on Knowledge

Domain 1 is all about Content Knowledge and Pedagogy. It focuses on the information and skills that are important to a subject. Pedagogy is the study of how to teach a subject and what strategies to use so that students will learn from your lessons and be motivated to learn and take part in lessons. School is important for every child’s life, where they can learn from their experiences, learn things from their lessons and also discover the things what they dreamed to be.

In my cooperating school, which I can reflect my experiences during my internship. I had the chance to teach a straight lesson. It wasn't easy to teach straight lesson, especially when you were in charge of three grade levels and both face-to-face and online classes. As a student teacher, I have to do everything that needs to be done in a class. It was hard because every day you have to prepare three lessons. When I was in my first year, we were taught a lot of ways to keep the class interesting, get students to talk to each other, and make it easy for them to understand what was being taught. In presenting your lessons it’s not all about how nice your instructional materials are and your PowerPoint presentation. It’s all about the knowledge that you will pass on to your students, how your class interactive, and activities that will keep your class alive at the same time your students can learn from it. I was surprised when my cooperating teacher gave me a Filipino subject to teach for the whole week to three different grade levels. I don't think I can, because teaching three subjects in three different grades is really hard. Way back when I was a freshman and sophomore, my instructor kept telling us to read more books and not just depend on one. I looked over the lesson carefully, and I realized that the topic I'll be teaching is easy, but the problem is I don't know how to address the topic to my students that they won't get bored and understand in easy way, since they are having hard time understanding Filipino. In the classroom setting, it’s not just all about teaching and teaching your students, As a teacher you also correct the understandings of the students, their misinterpretation because young learners are depending on their teacher on what their teacher being taught of them. I couldn't believe how much my students had improved, from not asking any questions and kept on translating it in English for them to grasp what does it mean to raising their hands to ask questions if they didn't understand and trying their best to express their ideas using Filipino language. It overwhelmed me to see your students learning from me and trying the best they can. I know it was not easy for them, but as their teacher I encourage them to try and try even they are having hard time speaking Filipino language. It made me feel good to see my students learn from me, get good grades, and talk to me, and to hearing from my cooperating teacher that I have a lot of strengths and some weaknesses in how I teach and She can see that her students are having improvement. By the time our supervisor was going to observe us in our demo teaching compared to previous demo teaching experiences, this time I felt less nervous. I don't feel good enough about myself when I'm in front of my students and other people. But when my supervisor is observing me, I get nervous, but not as much as I did during my first week of teaching straight. I give good lessons to my students well, use strategies that get my students able to participate me. Even though I don't have enough time because I have a class before my demo teaching observation, I was confident enough to teach my students about my topic because I had studied it well. I don't have enough time to prepare, but I did it with confidence. I was so surprised at the time because my students are very involved and get what I'm teaching. The best part is when you're giving an evaluation and your students do well. Teachers are being seen by the learners who knows everything, and individual who are knowledgeable enough.

So, all of the strategies we're learning about will be used in my future endeavors this will help me in the future when I have my own classroom. The best one is the one you can find out about when you're already in the field. Some of the strategies we learned in class will work, but the most surprising ones I used during my internship were ones I learned from my teacher when I was in Junior High. But what I've learned is that this domain is about building your confidence. If you don't have confidence, you can't present your topic well, and your class won't be as lively as you'd like. Confidence is the key to being able to talk about a topic so that your students can learn from you.