Previous work

Data Science Manager, 2021-present, DTN


Data Scientist, 2019-2021, Royal Caribbean


Senior Analyst, Onboard Revenue Strategy 2018-2019, Celebrity Cruises 

Time series forecasting of sales to provide business leaders with data-driven insights.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning projects on consumer behavior to optimize personalized Direct Mail and Electronic Mail marketing campaigns. These projects have shown to increase conversion and increase revenue.

Automate business reporting using an integrated cloud computing pipeline of PowerBI, Azure Data Factory and Oracle SQL to allow business leaders to make strategic decisions.

Applied scientist, 2015-2018, University of Miami

Utilizing big data and machine learning to improve long-range weather and ocean forecasts for the Department Of Defense in collaboration with Charles River Analytics and Clear Science Inc. This was part of a Small Business Innovation Research program.

Sub-seasonal forecasting of the North Atlantic Oscillation which is important for energy trading, preparedness activities, financial risk scenarios and water allocations in Europe and North America. I chair this Working Group in the SubX sub-seasonal forecasting project.

Seasonal forecasting of Ocean waves, Ocean surface currents and surface wind for the US Navy to reduce fuel costs and improve the safety of vessel routing in the North Pacific. Motivated by the Littoral Combat Ship USS Fort Worth transit from Singapore to San Diego.

Metocean engineer, 2013-2015, University of Reading and BP

A Knowledge Transfer Partnership between the University of Reading's Department of Meteorology and BP Exploration Operating Company Limited. Embed the latest research on extreme weather events within BP and the wider industry to reassess the design criteria of offshore platforms. Co-developed the North Sea 1,200 year hindcast used in the reassessment of the Valhall platform.


PhD. 2010-2013, University of Reading

Investigating the response of global tropical cyclone activity to the phase of ENSO and climate change; specifically evaluating the driving mechanisms of changing tropical cyclone activity using a high-resolution coupled climate model, which is validated against reanalysis data and observations of tropical cyclones.


Ocean wave scientist, 2010, UK Met Office

Adding a perturbed physics scheme to an Ocean wave model ensemble. The project involved running the spectral wave model Wave Watch 3 (WW3) with forcing from The Met Office Global and Regional Ensemble Prediction System (MOGREPS).

technical report; presentation

Research scientist. 2008, AIMS, Queensland, Australia

I completed six weeks voluntary work involved in the processing, visualisation and interpretation of a global ocean circulation model and Argo surface velocity drifter data for the Coral Triangle region utilising MATLAB. Output from my work on circulation and connectivity of the region was presented at an international workshop in November 2008.

Project scientist. 2007, Princeton Hydro, LLC

I worked side by side with a senior project scientist sampling pollutants and biology on private and public lakes.

MOcean. 2006-2010, University of Southampton

My final project involved analysis and interpretation of Ocean wave products in reanalyses and calibrated altimeter measurements. I was Investigating the relationship of Ocean wave variability to modes of atmospheric variability using empirical orthogonal functions.
