Power BI

Read in data

Click 'Get data' -> 'Excel' -> Either 'Load' or 'Edit'.

To keep certain values for a column click the column and only select the value of interest. Then click 'close and apply'.

To create a map

Click the 'Map'. Drag the country data to 'location'.

To create a corresponding figure

Click 'New Visual'. Drag 'year' to axis. Drag a column to 'Value'. Click the down arrow to select 'Sum' or 'Average'

Insert text box

In 'Insert' pane click 'Text box'

To make a visualization pretty

Just below the graph click the 'Painters Tool'.

For 'Custom Column Chart', Click 'X-axis' and make the type 'Categorical' and change the 'Inner padding' to 0%.

To show data on top of bar click 'Data labels' On.

Map color to the data


Drag the data to 'Color Saturation'. Click on the paint brush, click on 'Data colors', Make 'Minimum' and 'Maximum' around 0 e.g. -30 and 30.

Update the excel file that power BI uses

Click on 'Edit Queries' -> 'Data Source Settings'

Add title to y and x axis

Click on the 'painters tool' then click 'Y-axis' then click the 'Title On' button.

To add a column to a table

Click 'Edit Queries' -> 'Add Column' tab