EGU 2018

4/9/18 - 4/13/18

Data Science

pangeo - work on using python in the HPC. Open source project.

psyplot - Interactive plotting

opendatacube - Satellite data analysis

Machine Learning

Extreme learning machines e.g. hpelm - High-Performance Extreme Learning Machines

Random forrest e.g. scikit-learn - a machine learning method

Sub-seasonal NAO

Ayarzagüena - ENSO on NAO in early winter via Gulf of Mexico by ppt anomalies in GoM and Central America.

Fromang - QGPV idealized mjo perturbation on NAO

 Hong  - ET forcing the 2015 MJO-ENSO 


My talk - 2008/2009 winter had a majow SSW however it was not well forecast. See this paper (comment by Dr. Blanca Ayarzagüena-Porras) and this paper on the event. Could look into likelihood of one year not being forecast. Therefore, 08/09 may just be explained by noise (Comment by Tim Wollings). paper by Doblas-Reyes on multi-model NAO forecasting: 4 AGCM. Argue the use of model PC.

Bernat Jimenez-Esteve (Zurich) - Enso -> Auleition low -> waves in NAtl. Enso -> walker cell -> tropical atlantic -> waves. + NAO late winter El Nino. Transient eddies (2<T<8 bandpass filter); Q-stationary (T>10 days). Opposite response for El Nino and La Nina. paper

Tyrrell et al (Helsinki) - Oct 2016 weak polar vortex, warm anomaly. Advection, not sea-ice loss cause warming

Richard Greatbatch et al (Kiel, de) - Relaxation experiments to determine remote influence on NAO. Relax tropics in one experiment and another in the troposphere. Strat influence is lower that trop influence. MJO is a large influence in some years when it is suppressed. ECMWF seasonal forecasting is good at SSW.

Wolf et al (University of Reading) - Quasi-stationary waves on temperature extremes in Europe.

Rousi - NAO 'flavors' using clustering.

Mecking - Ocean vs atm on Europe summer temperatures

 - Reduced November Barents-Kara sea ice is linked to a more negative winter NAO.

General Climate Science

PICO - retrograde earth experiences. Used paraview for the visualizations 


Chaucer re-insurance company.

Fathom Bristol/Uni Bristol - global flood hazard layer.

OASIS LMF Open source Loss Modeling Framework

Lighthill Risk Network

Ocean Remote Sensing

Ardhuin - SKIM: Potential ESA mission for measuring surface currents and waves.

Bourassa - WaCM: Wave and current potential satellite mission.

Amores - limits of ocean eddy sensing

Ciani  - surface currents in the Med

Decadal Forecasting

Martineau - ocean temps and weather extremes.

Li  - Relationship between NAO and AMO.


 Aoyanagi - Tsunami evacuation simualtion


Jean-Raymond Bidlot - sea-state dependency of air-sea fluxes in ECMWF Earth System Model. Charnock term is dynamic. Cd is influenced by Ch - heat. Janssen (1997) sea-state on heat flux. Tech Mem 239.

Sasmal - coastal waves in Sagami Bay, Japan. WW3 and SWAN.

Markina - NAtl EKE on Hs

Ardhuin - Hs spectrum looks like current spectrum. Collard paper. Climate change initiative starting off in IFREMER. Need currents for high resolution model. Testing global tides and CMEMS 1/12 hindcast.

Extratropical Cyclones

Stoll - Climatology of polar lows.

Priestley - ETC clustering.

Posters (see below)

Bertoncelj -  Med sea-level/waves storms.

Kettle - North Sea storm surge


Stefanie Rynders - wave, current, time and sea-ice on offshore loads: update morison eq. and add sea-ice. Look at hazards in different regions. e.g. waves in North Sea, currents in shelf slope, tides in some coastal areas. Funding by SOS-SOS (Safer Operations at Sea - Supported by operational simulations) and here.

North Sea: AMM7, WW3 7km


Git for science workshop

material here and here.

You can use git to version control your script locally

$ mkdir test

$ vi # add 'test'

$ git init # Turned the current directory into a local git repository

$ git status # show status

$ git add

# Similarly git rm

$ git commit -m "initial commit" # -m is message

$ vi # change to test2

$ git commit -a -m "added a line to the script" # Add the file and commit

$ git log # show changes

# Have a look at code state on previous commit

$ git checkout ...

# Back to maskter

$ git checkout master

# Revert latest changes

$ git revert HEAD # esc -> :z

You can use git to version control remotely

# sign up for github and create a new repository

# call it 'EGU_test' and description 'test repo for EGU course'

# Push an existing git repo here

$ cd test

$ git remote add origin

$ git remote -v

# Push to the github repo

$ git push -u origin master

# Create a new branch

$ git checkout -b awesome_feature

# See branches

$ git branch

$ vi # change to testb

$ git commit -a -m "working on a new feature"

# Switch back to master branch

$ git checkout master

# Push new branch to github repo

$ git push origin awesome_feature

# Click pull request button on github

# Update local master branch with github repo

$ git pull origin master

# Delete local branch

$ git branch -d awesome_feature

# Delete the remote branch

$ git push origin --delete awesome_feature

Skill Scores

Krzysztofowicz - Bayesian Approach to Statistical Post-Processing.

Friederichs - modelling of spatial extremes.

Continuous Rank Probability Score (CRPS) here

van Straaten - stat post-proc of high-res ppt EPS.

variogram skill score

quantile regression forests

Simon - prob forecasting of thunderstorms: generalized additive models; ECMWF will soon have a lightening diagnostic.

Thorarinsdottir - proper skill scoring: squared error; absolute error; 

ignorance score (probabilistic) e.g. here and here ; CRPS.

PIT histrogram

statistical postprocessing of ensemble forecasts book

Peirce skill score; odds ratio skill score e.g.

High resolution modeling

PRIMAVERA - H2020 EU consortium on community wide high resolution modeling.

Haarsma13 TCs in EC-Earth 25 km  AGCM. More TCs/ETCs in Western Europe in the future. Warm seclusion storms paper.

TC and ETC tracks will be available for PRIMAVERA.


Vidale - stochastic physics (SP) and resolution on TCs: No stochastic physics kills TCs. Stochastic physics is equivalent to increasing resolution. More TCs.

SP acts as vortex seeder? Not obvious relationship to vws even though they change.


Francisco J. Doblas-Reyes - S2S climate services: prodhomme15 land surface initialization on forecast. prodhomme16 mod res on seasonal forecasting; Equitable Threat Score. improved predictions for agriculture; S2S4E - S2S for energy; Lledo18 paper - wind anomaly on west coast of US.

Alice Grimm - SA monsoon and the influence of the MJO. RW from Central Pacific to SA. Lin08 eval skill to predict MJO. Bivarate correlation.

Yuejian Zhu - 3-4 week forecast GEFS. FV3GEFS. SubX May 1st 2014 - May 26th 2016. int every 7 days. Stochastic schemes. 2-Tiered SST (not coupled). SP improves in tropics. The schemes add skill in later weeks. FV3 dycore.

Seok-Woo Son - QBO on MJO. Vitart17 Son17. Moisture advection over the maritime continent important for MJO. Cloud long-wave radiation. BMSE amplitude and BMSE phase error. MJO better predicted during EQBO winters by about 5 days. What is seasonal cycle like of MJO?

Gilbret Brunet - wave processes across time-scales.

Laura Baker - over/under confidence of NAO in EUROSIP. Eade14 under-confidence - Signal is too weak. Unpredictable noise. Don't standardize there is a huge spread. GA3, GA6, MF Sys3, Sys4, JMA Sys2. Box based NAO e.g. Stephenson06. GA3 is best. Multi-model is slightly higher. RPC ratio of predictable components see Eade16. >1 is under-confident. More ensembles, more under-confident. All models have common drivers i.e. similar inter-annual variability. ECMWF low skill but not under-confident.

Christopher White - Applications of S2S: paper. s2sdata. Sub-seasonal drivers: SAM, blocking. Early warning, disaster risk. response to resilience. Q: are we getting ahead of ourselves with the lack of skill of science? Case studies can be useful but may over egg the skill. ask about shipping.

Carlo Buontempo - ECMWF Copernicus Climate Change Service: C3S seasonal. EU Seasonal hydrological forecast. Shipping with OSM. Carlo.Buontempo@ecmwf.inf

Ole Wulff - Subseasonal prediction of 2003 European summer heat wave. atm blocking -< SST anomalies; trop-extrop RW. Spring dry soil moisture. Split ensembles by choosing members that get the gph500 best. Also split based on soil moisture.

Mike DeFlorio - sub-seasonal skill of atmospheric rivers: ARcatelogue. AR anomaly as a function of MJO phase.

Michael Walz - Predictability of extreme wind speed over Europe. paper Stasitical entropy; predictive information; predictive power. >95th percentile. Integrated over time steps. Mostly correlated with NAO. Not a great study.

Chaim Garfinkel - Predictability of SSW based on MJO. Strat and MJO on NAtl paper.

Ben Green - Sub-seasonal errors in FIM-iHYCOM.

High Resolution Modeling

Stevens - Extreme Earth: Advancing global storm resolving models to usher in a new era of climate modeling and climate change science

Neumann - Storm-Resolving Simulations of the Climate System

Bauer - Energy-efficient Scalable Algorithms for Weather Prediction at Exascale

Roberts - TCs in PRIMAVERA

Chantry - Model precision

Mavilia - Resolution and stoch pyhys on Euro-Atl weather regimes

Satoh - NICAM model

Voigt - High-res of an ETC

Manganello - TC landfall in high-res

Vanniere - Hyd cyc in high-res

Budich - Models for next gen comp

Gettelman - variable res CCSM