
esc:w - save (and don't quit)

esc:q - save (and quick)

h - move left

j - move down

k - move up

l - move right

w - move one word right

b - move back one word

0 - move to the start of the line

$ - move to the end of the line

nG - move to nth line of the file

G - move to the last line of the file

gg - move to the top of the file

H - move to the top of the screen

L - move to the bottom of the screen

zt - move the current cursor line to the top

CTRL-f - move down a screen

CTRL-b - move up a screen

v then move to highlight

y - copy (yank)

d - cut

dd - delete line

caw - Change a word

daw - Delete a word

P - paste

/x - find x

n - find next occurrence of x

N - find previous occurrence of x

:s/a/b/ - replace a with b

@: - repeat last command which started with :