Dask vs. Bend


While perusing GitHub I was recommended Bend (https://github.com/HigherOrderCO/Bend), mostly likely due to it's star trend (see below).

As a fan of distributed frameworks I was curious if the library lives up the hype. I'm most familiar with Dask (https://github.com/dask/dask) so I am using that to aid my understanding of Bend.

How I found out about Bend

Bend's Github star history. What's going on with that vertical line?

The first think i'll compare installation:

Setup python:

wget -O Miniforge3.sh "https://github.com/conda-forge/miniforge/releases/latest/download/Miniforge3-$(uname)-$(uname -m).sh"

bash Miniforge3.sh -b -p "${HOME}/conda"

source "${HOME}/conda/etc/profile.d/conda.sh"

source "${HOME}/conda/etc/profile.d/mamba.sh"

curl -LsSf https://astral.sh/uv/install.sh | sh

source "${HOME}/.cargo/env"

conda create -n dask python=3.11 --y

conda activate dask

Install dask (distributed):

uv pip install distributed

Run dask (distributed): https://distributed.dask.org/en/stable/quickstart.html 


 Test a simple function: square numbers in a list and then sum them:

from dask.distributed import Client

client = Client()

def square(x):

    return x ** 2

futures = client.map(square, range(10))


client.submit(sum, futures)

Setup rust:

sudo apt-get update & sudo apt install build-essential -y

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh

. "$HOME/.cargo/env"

rustup default nightly

 Install bend

cargo +nightly install hvm

cargo +nightly install bend-lang

 Run bend: https://github.com/HigherOrderCO/bend/blob/main/GUIDE.md 

 Square numbers in a list and then sum them:

cat <<'EOF' >main.bend

def main():

  return (1 * 1) + (2 * 2) + (3 * 3) + (4 * 4) + (5 * 5) + (6 * 6) + (7 * 7) + (8 * 8) + (9 * 9)


bend run main.bend

Obviously this isn't practical to write. There is some friendly syntax at https://github.com/Janiczek/apl-in-hvm and we'll have to watch how the bend implements this. This APL version may not be as performant as Bend. I need to under Bend's library better to generalize the code above.

Next i'll compare simplicity

This may not be fair as i've been using dask for 10 years and Bend for one hour. Bend has it's own language. Without spending too much time I couldn't work out the bend (or fold) equivalent of sum(map(lambda x: x**2, range(10))) but I did ask this on the Bend discord https://discord.com/channels/912426566838013994/1240687735115874426/1241622589328195584 and started a long discussion. There is no IO in Bend currently so I won't be using it in a project anytime soon.

Calculate the n'th number in the Fibonacci sequence in Bend:

cat <<'EOF' >fib.bend

fib x =

  bend x a=0 b=1 {

     when (!= x 0): (fork (- x 1) b (+ a b))

     else: a


def main():

  return fib(10)


bend run fib.bend

Calculate the n'th number in the Fibonacci sequence in Dask https://distributed.dask.org/en/stable/task-launch.html and return the sum of the first n Fibonacci sequence numbers

cat <<'EOF' >fib.py

from dask.distributed import Client

from dask import delayed, compute


def fib(n):

    if n < 2:

        return n

    # We can use dask.delayed and dask.compute to launch

    # computation from within tasks

    a = fib(n - 1)  # these calls are delayed

    b = fib(n - 2)

    a, b = compute(a, b)  # execute both in parallel

    return a + b

if __name__ == "__main__":

    client = Client()



python fib.py

Lastly, i'll compare performance

TODO: take one of the bends example and implement it in dask