See All  the Rabbits

37 rabbits, decorated by local artists with themes that relate to the Year of the Rabbit, are sprinkled throughout our community (see map for locations) in this Year of the Rabbit exhibition. Have you seen them all?

The Rabbits will be sold to private buyers at the end of the exhibition. See pictures here to help you imagine how the rabbits might look in different settings. 

Click on the captions below to learn more about each rabbit  

Five Foot Rabbits: these majestic rabbits make a definitive statement by their presence  

Three-Foot Rabbits: these rabbits are ~3 ft high, and come in two poses--sitting and standing

20" Table top Rabbits :these smallest rabbits will make beautiful art pieces for indoor or outdoor settings

SISTER CITY RABBITS (these rabbits were sponsored by Marina Food to celebrate our Sister Cities)