Without Us...

Our rabbit represents nature and the ecosystem of the Valley Oak, Quercus Lobata, tree. 18 students worked on this rabbit, ages 6 – 11 years old. We drew an oak tree and the habitat around the oak tree. We drew all of the flora and fauna we could think of, and we looked in books for more to make sure we represented as much as possible. We made a nocturnal and a diurnal side, because different plants and animals are there at different times of day, but they all share the oak tree as their home. We chose the Valley Oak because this tree represents our school, and they are endemic to California. When they are respected, they can grow to be 600 years old.

This rabbit is displayed at the Cupertino Library (central courtyard) 

Can you spot this on our rabbit ?

1.   Mountain Lion, Puma concolor

2.   Racoon, Procyon lotor

3.   California Toad, Anaxyrus boreas halophilus

4.   Acorn Woodpecker, Melanerpes formicivorus

5.   Red Tailed Hawk, Buteo jamaicensis

6.   Barn Owl, Tyto alba

7.   Rainbow Trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss

8.   Monarch Butterfly, Danaus plexippus

9.   Lichen, Ramalina farinacea

10.   Oak Chanterelle, Cantharellus californicus

11.   California Poppy, Eschscholzia californica

12.   Succulent Lupine, Lupinus succulentus

13.   Coyote, Canis latrans

14.   California Mule Deer, Odocoileus hemionus californicus

15.   California Quail, Callipepla californica

16.   Black-tailed Jackrabbit, Lepus californicus

17.   Lepus Constellation

18.   Mount Umunhum, Resting Place of the Hummingbird and sacred site for the Muewekma Ohlone

Rabbit Poem 

By: Ben Anderson, 5th Grade


We have a rabbit as still as stone.

We are trying to make it very known.

But if we want to do that it has to be shown.


What we are doing is painting both sides.

One is day and one is night.

But one day it will be shown in the light.


We are a school, and we are painting the rabbit

with interesting tools.

We hope this rabbit will end out being cool.


The main part is a big tree,

that you could imagine was once a tiny seed.

That could be the touch this rabbit needs.

But we hope this rabbit can be in a place

where people can be amazed.


About Rising Oak 

Rising Oak is a nature learning program. We love nature and are always outside. We hike, nature journal, do art, science, and learn all about our local ecosystems. Our program helps you connect with nature. We hope you enjoy looking at our rabbit!

(Compiled from sentences written by RONE students)