Jade Rabbit

The Jade Rabbit is designed to resemble a succulent plant. The color pink was used because it provides a contrast against the green, and the color gold was used because gold is often used in jade jewelry. On the sides are Chinese symbols often depicted in jade jewelry representing fortune. 

Artist: Naomi Tsang

Naomi Tsang is in class of 2024 at Lynbrook High School. She spends too much of her time drawing, and she more often draws digitally than traditionally. She hopes to study animation in the future.

Sponsored by Hung Wei

Hung Wei is a dedicated Rotarian and a huge supporter of the Year of the Rabbit project.  She is a Past President of Cupertino Rotary, as well as the current Rotary District 5170 Governor. She is also a member of the Cupertino City Council, currently serving as Mayor.