10-12. What is the greatest distance from Earth men have travelled in space. Apollo 13.


28 September 2011 (1432 AH).

What is the greatest distance from Earth man has travelled in space?

What is the greatest distance from Earth man has travelled in the heavens?

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What is Apollo 13?

God decreed if you can go beyond the Earth and beyond the sky then go.

Today God allows humans to go beyond the Earth and beyond the sky.

Quran 55:33 Verse 55:33 O company of jinn and humans, if you are able to pass beyond the regions of the heavens and the earth, then pass. You shall never be able to pass them except with (God’s) authority (and with the knowledge that is given to you by God).

Photo 1. The Apollo 13 insignia shows humans galloping to the Moon. The Apollo 13 insignia shows humans racing to the Moon. We come from Earth to the Moon in peace. In 1432 AH (2011) the humans who had travelled the greatest distance from Earth into space were the men in Apollo 13 who on 1390 AH (14 April 1970) had travelled 401,056 km (249,205 miles) away from the Earth before returning to the Earth. The distance between Earth and the Moon varies between 356,400 km to 406,700 km. Ex luna, scientia means from studying the Moon we gain knowledge that we did not know before. Thanks to NASA and Wikipedia.

Apollo 13 going to the Moon.

Allah decreed if you can go beyond the Earth and beyond the sky then go.

Today Allah allows humans to go beyond the Earth and beyond the sky.

Quran 55:33 Verse 55:33 O company of jinn and humans, if you are able to pass beyond the regions of the heavens and the earth, then pass. You shall never be able to pass them except with (Allah’s) authority (and with the knowledge that is given to you by Allah).

Photo 2. The Apollo 13 rocket with three humans was launched to the Moon in 1390 AH (11 April 1970). Thanks to NASA and Wikipedia.

The Earth seen in space.

Allaah decreed if you can go beyond the Earth and beyond the sky then go.

Today Allaah allows humans to go beyond the Earth and beyond the sky.

Quran 55:33 Verse 55:33 O company of jinn and humans, if you are able to pass beyond the regions of the heavens and the earth, then pass. You shall never be able to pass them except with (Allaah’s) authority (and with the knowledge that is given to you by Allaah).

Photo 3. The Earth seen by 3 humans travelling to the Moon in 1390 AH (11 April 1970) on Apollo 13. Thanks to NASA and Wikipedia.

Stage 3 from Apollo 13 crashes into the Moon.

Photo 4. Photo of the Apollo 13 Saturn 5 rocket's third stage (S-IVB) which after it completed its function of burning the fuel needed to take Apollo 13 towards the Moon was disconnected so that it would crash on the Moon to test the Passive Seismic Experiment that the astronauts in the earlier Apollo 12 mission had placed on the surface of the Moon to measure Moonquakes. Thanks to NASA.

Photo 5. The Seismogram in digital units (DU) of the Moonquake (like an Earthquake) caused by the Apollo 13 third stage empty rocket fuel container crashing into the Moon was recorded on 1390 AH (14 April 1970) at the Apollo 12 Passive Seismic Experiment and transmitted by radio to Earth. See photo 4 of the Apollo 13 Saturn 5 rocket's third stage (S-IVB). See photo 6 of the Moon crater caused by the Apollo 13 third stage empty fuel container hitting the Moon. Thanks to NASA who have modified this image from: Ewing, M., and others, (1971), Seismology of the Moon and implications on the internal structure of the Moon, the origin of the Moon and the evolution of the Moon, in: De Jaeger (Eds.): Highlights of Astronomy, International Astronomical Union (IAU), pp.155-172).

The Apollo 13 crater on the Moon photographed by satellite in 1431 AH (23 March 2010).

Photo 6. This 30 metre diameter crater on the Moon caused by the Apollo 13 third stage empty fuel container crashing on the surface of the Moon was recorded on 1390 AH (14 April 1970) at the Apollo 12 Passive Seismic Experiment. See the data received from this impact on the Moon in photo 5 and see the Apollo 13 third stage rocket fuel container that crashed into the Moon in photo 4. This photo was taken in 1431 AH (23 March 2010) by a satellite orbiting the Moon called the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter. Thanks to NASA, Goddard and Arizona State University.

Apollo 13 landing on the Moon abandoned.

Photo 7. Diagram of the events of Apollo 13 start with the lift off (the launch of Apollo 13) from Earth on the left. During the journey to the Moon (shown on the right), the oxygen tank incident was the damage caused by an electrical short circuit and explosion in an Oxygen container in the Apollo 13 Moon orbiting spacecraft service module. The 3 astronauts moved from the Moon orbiting spacecraft command module into the Apollo 13 Moon Landing Module which was used like a life raft (life boat) where they stayed during their emergency return to Earth by making one orbit around the Moon. An enquiry on Earth later found that the cause of the electrical short circuit was damaged wire insulation caused accidently when wire insulation melted in temperatures of 1,000 °F (540 °C) during tests on the Earth. Thanks to Wikipedia.

The damaged Apollo 13 Moon orbiting spacecraft service module.

Photo 8. The damaged Apollo 13 Service Module photographed after it was disconnected near the Earth. Near to Earth the 3 astronauts moved from the Moon landing spacecraft (Moon Landing Module) back into the Moon orbiting spacecraft (made up of two parts the upper Command Module and lower Service Module). From the upper Command Module they disconnected the damaged lower Service Module. The damaged Apollo 13 Service Module was photographed from the Command Module after the damaged Service Module had been released into space. The 3 astronauts inside the Command Module entered the Earth’s atmosphere and successfully parachuted into the Sea. Thanks to NASA and Wikipedia.

Photo 9. The Apollo 13 plaque that was to be left on the Moon for the third landing of humans on the Moon was returned to Earth because of the emergency that caused Apollo 13 to abandon its Moon landing mission and returned to Earth. Aquarius is the radio call sign of the Apollo 13 Moon landing spacecraft. Thanks to NASA..

Apollo experiments show that the Moon has a core similar to the Earth.

Photo 10. Using the data that has been collected up to 1397 AH (1977) from the Apollo Seismic Experiments that were placed on the Moon by the Apollo astronauts from 1389AH to 1392 (1969 to 1972) a National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) research team has found that the Moon has a core that is similar to the Earth. Thanks to NASA, MSFC and Renee Weber.

Video. NASA Live: Official Stream of NASA TV.


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