10-6. The first men to orbit the Moon. Apollo 8.


28 September 2011 (1432 AH).

The first man to orbit the Moon.

The first humans to orbit the Moon.

The first time humans travelled beyond the Earth.

The first time men travelled beyond the Earth.

The first time man travelled beyond the Earth.

The first time mankind travelled beyond the Earth.

The first time humans orbited the Moon.

How long did it take to travel from the Earth to the Moon?

3 days from the Earth to the Moon.

How long did it take to travel from the Moon to the Earth?

3 days from the Moon back to Earth.

God said travel beyond the Earth and beyond the sky.

Today God allows humans to travel beyond the Earth and beyond the sky.

Quran 55:33 Verse 55:33 O company of jinn and humans, if you are able to pass beyond the regions of the heavens and the earth, then pass. You shall never be able to pass them except with (God’s) authority (and with the knowledge that is given to you by God).

Photos: The launch of Apollo 8 in 1388AH (21 December 1968) is the first time humans travelled to orbit around the Moon. Three humans were on top of this rocket inside the command module that was successfully tested in the earlier Apollo 7 mission. Thanks to NASA and Wikipedia.

The command module spacecraft carried 3 men who orbited the Moon.

Allah said travel beyond the Earth and beyond the sky.

Today Allah allows humans to travel beyond the Earth and beyond the sky.

Quran 55:33 Verse 55:33 O company of jinn and humans, if you are able to pass beyond the regions of the heavens and the earth, then pass. You shall never be able to pass them except with (Allah’s) authority (and with the knowledge that is given to you by Allah).

Diagram: The command module Apollo 8 spacecraft containing 3 men orbited the Moon and returned them back to Earth. The command module spacecraft was first tested in Earth orbit by Apollo 7. During the 6 day mission the Apollo 8 command module spacecraft circled around the Moon 10 times in 20 hours. Thanks to NASA and Wikipedia.

The Moon seen by the first humans to orbit around the Moon.

Allaah said travel beyond the Earth and beyond the sky.

Today Allaah allows humans to travel beyond the Earth and beyond the sky.

Quran 55:33 Verse 55:33 O company of jinn and humans, if you are able to pass beyond the regions of the heavens and the earth, then pass. You shall never be able to pass them except with (Allaah’s) authority (and with the knowledge that is given to you by Allaah).

Photos: The Moon as seen by humans on Apollo 8 in 1388AH (24 December 1968). Apollo 8 was the first manned spacecraft to travel beyond the Earth. Apollo 8 was also the first manned spacecraft to orbit around the Moon. Thanks to NASA and Wikipedia.

The Earth seen from the Moon.

Photo: The Earth rising above the Moon seen by humans on the Apollo 8 command module spacecraft as they orbited around the Moon in 1388AH (24 December 1968). Thanks to NASA and Wikipedia.

Testing the Command service module spacecraft in Moon orbit.

The Apollo 8 insignia shows the orbit around the Moon of the Command service module (CSM) with 3 humans who were launched from Earth into space on top of a rocket. The Command service module (CSM) which contains 3 humans and separates from the rocket when it reaches outer space then travels to orbit the Moon and return to Earth as part of tests in the Apollo 8 mission. Thanks to NASA and Wikipedia.

Video. NASA Live: Official Stream of NASA TV.


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