10-11. The second men to walk on the Moon. Apollo 12.


28 September 2011 (1432 AH).

The second humans on the Moon.

The second people on the Moon.

The second men on the Moon.

Who were the second men to walk on the Moon?

The second humans to walk on the Moon.

Who were the second men on the Moon?

What is Apollo 12?

God said if you can then travel beyond the Earth and beyond the sky.

Today God allows humans to travel beyond the Earth and beyond the sky.

Quran 55:33 Ayah 55:33 O company of jinn and humans, if you are able to pass beyond the regions of the heavens and the earth, then pass. You shall never be able to pass them except with (God’s) authority (and with the knowledge that is given to you by God).

Photo 1. The Apollo 12 insignia shows humans travelling to the Moon by sailing on the wind of a rocket in 1389AH (14 November 1969). We come from Earth to the Moon in peace. Thanks to NASA and Wikipedia.

Apollo 12 landing on the Moon.

Allah said travel beyond the Earth and beyond the sky if you can.

Today Allah allows humans to travel beyond the Earth and beyond the sky.

Quran 55:33 Ayah 55:33 O company of jinn and humans, if you are able to pass beyond the regions of the heavens and the earth, then pass. You shall never be able to pass them except with (Allah’s) authority (and with the knowledge that is given to you by Allah).

Photo 2. The Apollo 12 Moon landing spacecraft in 1389 AH (19 November 1969) was the second time that 2 humans landed on the Moon. In the photo see the base and 4 landing legs that will be left on the Moon when the Moon landing spacecraft returns from the surface of the Moon to connect with the Moon orbiting spacecraft. This photo was taken by the one human on the Moon orbiting spacecraft after the Moon landing spacecraft disconnected from it to land 2 humans on the Moon. Thanks to NASA and Wikipedia.

The second time humans were on the Moon.

The second time men were on the Moon.

Allaah said travel beyond the Earth and beyond the sky if you can.

Today Allaah allows humans to travel beyond the Earth and beyond the sky.

Quran 55:33 Ayah 55:33 O company of jinn and humans, if you are able to pass beyond the regions of the heavens and the earth, then pass. You shall never be able to pass them except with (Allaah’s) authority (and with the knowledge that is given to you by Allaah).

Photo 3. Apollo 12 Astronaut Charles Conrad walked on the Moon and photographed Alan Bean coming out of the Moon landing spacecraft in 1389 AH (19 November 1969). Thanks to NASA and Wikipedia.

Portable Nuclear electricity generator on the Moon.

Photo 4. Apollo 12 Astronaut Alan Bean unloaded the plutonium core electricity generator that powered the Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package (ALSEP, Apollo Moon Surface Experiments Package). Thanks to NASA.

Radio communications from the Moon.

Radio communications to the Moon.

Photo 5. Apollo 12 on the Moon with S-band radio communications antenna next to Moon landing spacecraft in 1389 AH (19 November 1969). Thanks to NASA and Wikipedia.

The Apollo 12 landing site on the Moon.

The location where humans for the second time walked on the Moon.

Map 6. The Apollo 12 landing location in 1389 AH (19 November 1969) where for the second time humans walked on the Moon. Shown is part of the map produced by NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center Scientific Visualization Studio.

Apollo 12 landing coordinates on the Moon.

Map 7. Use the Moon coordinates and the Moon photo in map 7 and compare them with the Moon photo of the Apollo 12 landing site on map 6 to see where for the second time humans walked on the Moon. Thanks to John Reid and Wikipedia for use of part of the map.

The Apollo 12 landing site seen from a satellite orbiting the Moon in 1428 AH (2009).

Photo 8. Moon surface photo showing the Apollo 12 landing site where the bright dot near the centre is the base with 4 feet (Intrepid descent stage) that was used by the Apollo 12 Moon landing spacecraft named Intrepid that was left on the Moon and lines and dots on the left of the photo that are the Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package (ALSEP, Apollo Moon Surface Experiments Package) and a dark mark on the right of the photo where an unmanned spacecraft called Surveyor 3 landed and the foot prints of the Apollo 12 astronauts which look like continuous lines in the Moon soil. Photographed by the Moon orbiting Moon Reconnaissance Orbiter satellite called the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter in 1428 AH (11 to 15 July 2009). Thanks to NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center and Arizona State University.

Human foot prints on the Moon.

Photo 9. The foot prints of the Apollo 12 astronauts around the seismic station experiment placed on the Moon by Apollo 12 astronauts for monitoring ground motion (seismic waves). Notice that in photo 8 from the satellite orbiting the Moon the disruption in the Moon soil that is caused by human foot prints appears like a continuous line on the Moon surface photo. Thanks to NASA.

The Apollo 12 memorial on the Moon.

The plaque left on the Moon by the second humans to walk on the Moon.

Photo 10. Visitors to the Apollo 12 Moon landing site can see this plaque marking the second time humans walked on the Moon bolted to the ladder on the base that was used by the Moon landing spacecraft. Thanks to NASA.

The Moon seen while returning to Earth by Apollo 12.

Photo 11. After the Apollo 12 Moon landing spacecraft returned from the surface of the Moon and connected to the Apollo 12 Moon orbiting spacecraft the Moon was photographed as they returned to Earth. Thanks to NASA and Wikipedia.

Video. NASA Live: Official Stream of NASA TV.


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