What To Do When I'am Facing Sales Tax not Showing up in QuickBooks issue

Sales Tax not showing up in QuickBooks

As a company, there might arise the need for the collection of taxes for certain goods and services that your company has to offer. With the help of QuickBooks, you can keep accurate records of the taxes and therefore monitor them to get passed on to the appropriate agencies. The issue of sales tax not showing up disrupts you from keeping up with your company’s sales tax. As a result, you never miss a remittance period. Therefore, it becomes necessary that you Fix the issue of Sales Tax not Showing up in QuickBooks with our guide.

In addition, you can rely on professional help to solve error with sales tax not showing up in QuickBooks by dialling (844)-888-4666

Clearing the browser cache can help when you are unable to view sales tax in QuickBooks


  1. Open Firefox browser and click on Library button

  2. Then, choose History.

  3. Click on the choice of Clear recent History, a window opens up.

  4. In the window that opens up select Time Range from the drop-down menu.

  5. The check-boxes are available next to the information that you want to delete under the History tab.

  6. Check-mark the boxes and finally click on Clear Now.

Google Chrome:

  1. Open Google Chrome on your PC.

  2. On the top right click on the three dots to open More.

  3. Navigate to More Tools and select the option of Clear Browsing Data.

  4. Choose the time range and then navigate to the information that you want to clear.

  5. Finally hit on Clear Data.

Safari on Mac:

  1. Click Safari on your Mac and choose History.

  2. Select the option Clear History.

  3. From the pop-up menu choose how far you want your browsing history cleared.

Turn on Sales Tax Option when Sales Tax Liability does not Show

  1. Click on Edit and then choose Preferences.

  2. A pop-up window appears where you have to choose Sales Tax.

  3. Onto the Company Preferences tab, select Yes on the Do you charge sales tax? Screen.

  4. Press OK.

  5. Go to the Reports menu when you have followed the above steps and click on Reports Center.

  6. Select the option of Vendors & Payables.

  7. Finally, click on Sales Tax Liability.

  8. See if you could remove the issue of Sales Tax not showing up in QuickBooks.

Still, hanging with Sales Tax not showing up in QuickBooks? Once you cannot get rid of it, take help at (844)-888-4666.