The III Istituto Comprensivo Milazzo is in a peripheral area in Milazzo. The school has students from kindergarten to lower secondary school (aged 2-14) and about 100 teachers. It is an inclusive school with two laboratories to promote creativity at school, a library and a scientific lab. The school hasn’t a previous experience in Erasmus+, but we are involved in some eTwinning projects. The awareness that the development of the transversal and soft skills go through a wider European dimension of comparison, sharing and co-construction of knowledge, is at the basis of our strong motivation to undertake an Erasmus+ project. Being part of it will make teachers and students develop the process of internationalization, refine the use of the ICT tools, discover which approaches help pupils learn most effectively, encourage the development of an active digital citizenship. The project will help us to enhance our cultural heritage through the recovery of legends, myths and fairy tales by using digital apps. Our headmaster and other teachers are experts in the use of digital tools in teaching.  

Europe: the puzzle pf diversity