Evaluation, especially self-evaluation- both teachers’ and students’- is central in our project.


TEACHERS’ EVALUATION: Teachers write their evaluation on the project and identify to what extent the project corresponds to this

(below Standard, meet standard, above standard) for each activity/ mobility, they can add comments then

their evaluation will be shared on TwinSpace page titled: “Teachers’ Evaluation”, teachers discuss

evaluations they shared. They collect them in their eportfolios.

E- portfolios: Participating teachers open their e-portfolio that will be a web-based collection of a teacher’s work gathered during the project cycle. It will be a learning tool that promotes teacher self-assessment and critical thinking about learning/teaching goals, and encourages sharing of work and feedback from others. In addition, the portfolio will display types of teacher creativity where standard criteria are difficult to apply. E- portfolios will include:- presentations of products created,- links/explanations to that digital tools that were learnt during mobility,- creative writing,- comments,- anything else reflecting a teacher’s learning/teaching quality and success,- images, videos



a-exit cards: Teachers will create a google doc presentation for students to write their exit-card for the


b- for younger pupils: Picking Emoji (Students Self assessment)

c- Students peer review for one of the collaborative activities

d-plant a question-pick a change (Students reflection)

P.S : The evaluations of each mobility can be found in the pages of each country's mobility