Our body - a rock in the surf

Sabine Kern

The psychodrama, through its action-oriented approach, is a process that captures man as a whole. Not only is the linguistic expressiveness used to gain access to a person's soul landscape, but also body language and body sensations are seen as ways to gain insight into the problem situation of clients. This workshop will show the psychodramatic interventions that can be used to harness the psychodramatic dimension of a scene to enable clients to better understand the interaction between the body, psyche and mind and to strengthen self-efficacy. 

Maga. Sabine Kern, Austria, is a MSc Psychodrama (teaching) therapist at the ÖAGG, at the Danube University Krems and the Paris-Lodron University Salzburg, Clinical Psychologist and Health Psychologist, Coach and Supervisor, Editor of the Journal for Psychodrama and Sociometry. 

Mainly active in free practice and teaching.