Marjut Partanen-Hertell
“Voices from the past and future - do we connect to our cosmic heritage?”
Marjut Partanen-Hertell, Helsinki, Finland is M.S.(Tech.), Psychodrama trainer TEP, Supervisor STOry, PIT TheMeadows, Information Scientist, has as an environment engineer and sociodramatist worked in the Finnish Environment Institute with international projects supported by the EU and the WB. Former chair of Helcom's Working Group on Public Awareness and Environmental Education, facilitating co-operation between 14 countries and various NGOs in the Baltic Sea area. Member of IAGP, member and former chair of MOPSI, which is a member of FEPTO. Visiting examiner in the Helsinki Psychodrama Institute and visiting trainer of supervisors at the Helsinki University. The author and co-author of several books the latest "Sociodrama in a Changing World". She has presented Morenian workshops focused on environmental issues at international conferences.