Remember These Key Elements When Paraphrasing Written Content

Paraphrasing services can help writers during the proofreading and editing process. The job itself is simple to describe: rephrasing written content while retaining the original material’s intended tone, voice, and message. A successful paraphrase means that the writer has put somebody else’s ideas into their own words, which can help demonstrate how well they have understood the topic.

However, the reality of rewriting material is often far more tricky than people may imagine. This is because it is easy to commit unwitting plagiarism, when writers do not cite someone else’s research or ideas. Unfortunately, even accidentally failing to cite sources is sufficient grounds for accusations of plagiarism, which can have long-lasting effects on a writer's reputation.

Thus, it is always better to be safe than sorry. If a writer is struggling with a rewrite, they should seek the support of paraphrasing services during the proofreading and editing phase. The editor’s fresh perspective will help rewrite the content so it abides by the relevant style conventions in terms of citations, quotes, and so on.

Writers can benefit from the help of paraphrasing services because they will help refine the text. The following are a few steps that an editor will follow when rewriting text, and it is also recommended that writers follow these steps. Remember that proofreading and editing services are also available to remove any errors from the rewritten text.

Firstly, never forget to recognise the source. Studies have found that there is an eye-watering amount of articles and papers in some fields that do not have citations; in certain cases, upwards of 25%. Do not run this risk of intellectual dishonesty. Instead, cite as much work as possible, including ideas, facts, figures, methods, previously published articles, and so on. Paraphrasing services will help writers differentiate between their ideas and those of other people, thereby making the paraphrased work more credible and trustworthy.

Sometimes, typos can trip up a writer. In other words, a writer may have forgotten to use quotation marks when referencing somebody else, which is something proofreading and editing services will identify and fix. Here, the solution is simple: employ quotation marks when directly quoting someone (For example, “Jones (1999) said, ‘Always use quotes.’”). It is also worth checking when direct quotes are suitable. Certain fields favour them, while others do not.

Lastly, always remember to use your own words when rewriting other’s ideas. This is not always easy to pull off, and proofreading and editing services or paraphrasing services can offer alternate phrasing to struggling writers to help inspire them. A true rewrite will only result when the writer has done more than simply copying down the source and substituting the odd word or phrase. The goal is to provide original written material that describes and cites the other person’s points, ideas, or arguments.

Paraphrasing can be hard work but do not discount it. It can often add depth to one’s writing, in turn increasing the chances of publication, and receiving higher marks, whilst demonstrating mastery of the subject in question.

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