Professional Proofreading, Editing and Paraphrasing Can Benefit Authors

The complications of writing in English mean that paraphrasing services or proofreading and editing can benefit all authors, regardless of their skills and experience.

The intense nature of writing means that authors, from the keen amateur to the more experienced professional, can make all kinds of mistakes when checking their work. However, this is not the author's fault; instead, it represents how focused they are on the job in hand because their brain will not allow them to notice a mistake they might not otherwise have missed.

This is where editorial support, in the form of proofreading and editing or paraphrasing services, can make all the difference. Since English is used by many people globally, it is only natural for an author to want to present their work in as polished a form as possible.

Editors and proofreaders help achieve this goal. The editorial process refines and enhances content so that it matches how the author envisioned their original work; for the more thorough revisions, employing paraphrasing services may well be just the thing that adds the final presentational touch to their work.

Paraphrasing, also known as rewriting or revision, can prove to be of significant benefit for all writers. The act of paraphrasing involves completely revising material using different words and phrases while retaining the author’s intended message.

Paraphrasing is a rare skill: an author may have written something, but it doesn’t quite say what they want. The editor has to extract that meaning, and they can do so by judging the context and nuance of the surrounding content; more than that, the editor can do so while utilising the appropriate vocabulary and stylistic conventions outlined by the author. In short, paraphrasing services find a fresh way for the author to share their message and offer a different output than say proofreading and editing.

One key focus of the proofreading and editing process is enhancing flow while retaining the author’s natural voice. Editors and proofreaders have a natural talent for working in such a word-focused industry: through gaining experience in similar fields, including journalism, writing, teaching and academia, they have acquired the requisite focus and attention to detail, which means they instinctively know how to rejig raw material in order to share a conveyed message.

Thus, authors who make use of proofreading and editing services will work with editors who know how to quickly identify and resolve all manner of issues, ranging from minor problems, such as spelling mistakes or misplaced punctuation, to more significant concerns, such as misreported facts or an unsuitable tone of voice.

The key is concentration. If an editor is providing paraphrasing services, for example, they need to make sure that the revisions they are making align with the author's intended purpose. This means the editors need to carefully read the material and understand it. Only then can they make the kind of changes to ensure the content reflects how hard the author worked to create it.

Read More:

Reasons to Have a Manuscript Proofread and Edited

Things to Remember About Editing, Proofreading and Paraphrasing