What is Editing and Why is it Important

Editing and proofreading are stages in the writing process. Editing is a vital step in ensuring your writing is at its very best, and professional editing services can make sure this is possible every time.

The editing stage comes after the writing stage, and its purpose is to review the full text and ensure it is clear and free from errors. Here, editing and proofreading share some similarities, as they are both aiming to make the writing as correct as possible. However, editing and proofreading are two distinct steps in the writing process, and one should not be done without the other.

This article will explain the various elements that will be reviewed during the editing process, and why they are so important.

First, editing services will check the text for errors in spelling, grammar and punctuation. As mentioned above, in this respect editing are proofreading are very similar. However, it is important to remember that errors can occur whilst editing and proofreading is the stage that tidies up the final document.

Second, editors will review your language and choice of words. Although long, complicated words may look impressive, too many of them can overcomplicate a piece of writing and render it incomprehensible. Editing services will recognise these areas and will offer suggestions to simplify the language so that the message is concise and communicated.

In addition to this, editing services will also ensure that your message and the language used are right for the intended audience. For example, the type of language used in an academic journal article would be different to that of a fiction novel.

Third, professional editing services will make sure that your document is structured well and formatted correctly. This can be particularly important in academic writing where the argument or findings must be clearly explained and developed. An editor may change the structure of a piece to ensure the message is clear. Similarly, in academic writing, the style guide, and citation guide are very specific for each subject, and if the text doesn’t adhere to the guides, then it will receive a low grade. When hiring an editor to review academic writing, you must provide the style and citation guides the essay or article must adhere to.

Fourth, and probably the largest benefit to hiring an external service to edit your writing is the fact that they will be a fresh pair of eyes. As the author, it can often be difficult to see past your text as you have been so consumed by it. This familiarity with the text can make you blind to errors or lack of clarity. A professional editor will be able to bring a new perspective to the text and ensure that everything makes sense and identify areas that may not.

Finally, a piece of writing is a reflection of its author and using a professional editor will make your writing stronger and more concise.

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Proofreading Techniques

Reviewing Your Writing