The Ways Paraphrasing, Proofreading and Editing Can Improve Your Writing

Numerous different aspects require consideration, and when it comes to checking over written work, authors should consider whether or not proofreading and editing, or paraphrasing services would suit them. While the idea of creating a piece of writing a story is an attractive one, the fact remains that it is a complicated, time-consuming process and sometimes mistakes happen.

The obvious answer is that it makes sense to have your work checked by another person. Such an approach is certainly recommended: when someone else reads a piece of writing, they can pick up on errors that the author may not have noted. This is not a judgement on the writer’s lack of quality or focus, but indicates how intensely they have concentrated on their work; sometimes, all it needs is a fresh set of eyes to make a difference.

In such scenarios, the help provided by proofreading and editing or paraphrasing services can improve a document. With so much content to choose from and English spoken and read by so many people, it is only natural to want your writing to sparkle with a professional sheen.

Experienced authors will tell you there is a difference between paraphrasing services and proofreading and editing. They would be correct, although you should also note that both services have the same goal of enhancing a piece of writing until it is as readable, accessible and coherent as possible.

So, what can an author expect from paraphrasing services? In short: a complete revision of a piece of writing while retaining the original intended message. Thus, the content is reshaped and rewritten using alternative words and phrases to say the same thing in another way.

Paraphrasing services are worth considering when authors feel their work is missing a certain ‘spark’; their words don’t quite express their meaning. An editor can extract this meaning and commit it to paper (or screen, depending on the story) using a different vocabulary that matches the intended message and meets the author’s style requirements.

Proofreading and editing achieve the same goal of refining content, albeit using different tactics. It is well-known that editors and proofreaders remove spelling, grammar and punctuation errors: more than one writer has received a document back from their editors, only to find it covered in red ink marking all manner of mistakes. This is an old-fashioned image, but the message remains the same: when an author sends off their work for proofreading and editing, they can be sure that it will undergo thorough checking.

Grammar, spelling, punctuation, tone, format, structure and headings are examples of the elements checked by proofreaders and editors, who can apply their sharp focus to find the mistakes missed by the author and fix or remove them or explain how best to resolve them. Since authors spend so much time creating their writing, it seems only fair that they take the final step and have their work checked by someone who knows how to streamline it in readiness for the next step, be it publication, marking or peer review.

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Why Authors Should Make Use of Proofreading and Editing

Refine Your Writing with Proofreading, Editing and Paraphrasing