Week Four

Feture Creep:

Catagory Creep:

Analisys, Sinthisys

  1. The best design emerges when the entire eceosystem is involved and has room to experament

  2. Those most exposed to changing normality are best placed to respond and most motivated to do so.

3. Ideas should not be favored baced on who creates them

4. Ideas that create a buzz should be favored

5. Senior leadership should garden, Tend, Proon, and Harvest Ideas.

6. Over Arching purpose should be articulated. Inovators don't feel the need for constitent supervision.

Without Optimisim: The unshakeable belief that things could be better then they are) The Will to experament will continue to be frustrated until it weathers.

Positive Encouragement does not require the pretence that all ideas are created equal

It remains the responcibility of leadership to make deserning judgments and Give People Confidence to feel that their Ideas have been given a fair hearing.

Each week, you should spend some time thinking about the course material before you come to class. To help facilitate that thinking, please post your thoughts in this discussion forum. Your thoughts will help prime our discussion in class. You are welcome to share any thoughts you have, but please make sure to respond to the following questions:

(1) What surprised you?

I was very surprised about the focus of eliminating unnecessary functions and cumbersome accessories that are not the primary desire for the customers. I liked and was surprised about the emphasis placed on failing quickly and often being a good thing. That idea changed my perspective and outlook in life, or at least I hope it continues to do so.

  • Lean vs Agile: Lean development focuses on eliminating and reducing waste (activities that don’t add any value). Lean development takes the principles from Lean manufacturing and applies them to software development. These principles are very similar to Agile, however Lean takes it one step further. In the development phase, you select, plan, develop, test, and deploy only one feature before you repeat the process for the next feature.

  • Test-Driven Development (TDD): Test-driven development relies on repetitive, short development cycles. First, a developer writes an (initially failing) automated test case for a new feature and quickly adds a test with the minimum amount of code to pass that test. Then, he refactors the new code to acceptable standards.

(2) What do you wonder?

  • "The most efficient and effective method of conveying information to and within a development team is face-to-face conversation. (Change By Design)"

I wonder if this has changed since the COVID-19 out break. Also, does it count to be face to face when you all are video conferencing together: Face to Face? I have found that a face to face meeting with either two people or a group gets less done, Actually, then a team that is meeting online and actually multi-tasking/doing their part while the meeting is taking place. In other words: working together and gaining support by asking questions for needed information of new ideas. I wonder how my own findings merit.

(3) What are you struggling to understand?

I am struggling to understand when and why companies would use waterfall. It just seems to ridged of a process for our changing, fast pace world. I get the case they make:

"You don’t expect changes in scope and you’re working with fixed-price contracts

The project is very simple or you’ve done it many times before

Requirements are very well known and fixed

Customers know exactly what they want in advance

You’re working with orderly and predictable projects(Full Comparison:Agile vs. Scrum)"

However, innovation can always take it's course and improve the product to the most advanced stage.

I just feel that I would prefer NOT to use the Waterfall approach. Agifall seems like a great compromise.

Advantages of Kanban

Kanban’s visual nature offers a unique advantage when implementing Agile. The Kanban board is easy to learn and understand, it improves flow of work, and minimizes cycle time.

The advantages of Kanban include:

  • Increases flexibility: Kanban is an evolving, fluid model. There are no set phase durations and priorities are reevaluated as new information comes in.

  • Reduces waste: Kanban revolves around reducing waste, ensuring that teams don’t spend time doing work that isn’t needed or doing the wrong kind of work.

in Kanban, you shouldn’t sacrifice quality for timing).