Exhibit 2




Background Information:

When taking photos with natural light many times the dimness and shows overpower the image. This can be easily corrected with Photoshop's Camera Raw feature. The darkness of the bus my son was in prevented a quality view. I may add that he was only 3-years-old once this photo was taken. He was also in love with buses and was about to attend his first year of Preschool. He still has 12 toy buses.

Design Thoughts:

  • Focus: The eyes direct and guide the viewer to the most important part of the image.

  • Blending: By lightening up the image there is more of a balance and flow to the picture.

  • Much like the first portfolio exhibit: there was not much consideration for design and the main focus was on restoring the photo to a better quality image.


  • This image was already digital so there was no need to use a scanner.

  • Used Spot Healing Brush tool to tough up a few areas that need help.

  • Used Luminance Masking to brighten up the darkness of the image.

  • Used an Alpha Channel that makes it appear like a lighter.