Photo Album

2024 - 05 - 06 - End of the 23/24 school year party 

Samantha* (UG-Honors, UROP), Kelly* (UG) (left), Kayla (UG), Chloe (UG-UROP), Jayna (G) / Behind: Stevan (G), Endrei (G), Jonathan* (UG) (right) 

*Graduated - Congrats Samantha, Kelly, and Jonathan!

2024 - 04 - 29 - Microbiology Graduate Program Luncheon 

In attendance: Dr. Yun Heacock-Kang, Dr. Amy Sun, Nu Jabin (Kirs), Dr. Sladjana Prisic, Dr. Michael Norris, Brandon O’Sullivan (Graf), Hai Au La (Norris), Endrei Marcantonio (Prisic), Angie Casale (Graf), Selena Lu (Hoang), Jayna Wong (Prisic), Dr. Zhiyue Wang, Prashant Dahal (Norris), Dr. Marguerite Butler, Dr. Qing Li  

Winners of the first annual "catch safety glasses" competition. 

2024 - 04 - 27 - Prisic Lab at the HI ASM Spring Meeting  

Jonathan (UG), Stevan (G), Endrei (G), Jayna (G), Sladjana (PI), Chloé (UG), Kayla (UG) 

Jayna and Endrei presented and got awards (see in the News!).   

2023 - 10 - 21 - Discover Manoa Open House  

Kayla (UG), Samantha (UG), Chloé (UG), and Stevan (G) are promoting our lab and the Microbiology program at the Discover Manoa event.  

2023 - 05 - 12 - End of the 22/23 school year party  

Front: Jayna (G), Michaela* (UG), Kayla (UG-ERC UROP), Kaye* (UG-Honors, UROP)

Back: Stevan (G), Jonathan (UG), Sladjana (PI), Endrei (G) 

*Graduated - Congrats Michaela and Kaye!

2023 - 4 - 1 - Manoa Experience

Chloé (UG), Endrei (G), Jonathan (UG), Kayla (UG), Michaela (UG), Samantha (UG), and Stevan (G) are pictured promoting Microbiology at the Manoa Experience event. They were showing slides on the microscope and they taught visitors how to pipette and spread "bacteria" on a Petri dish. Fun! 

2022 - 12 - 21 - Mentoring High School Student  

Mattox from St. Andrew's High School is shown here doing research under Jaymie's and Randi's mentorship. Jaymie graduated last week (BS in Microbiology), but she has stayed in the lab to help Mattox with her project during the winter break. Four years ago, Jaymie was a high school student in the Prisic lab doing research - just like Mattox! Now she is giving back by teaching a new generation of young scientists. Similarly, Randi graduated from St. Andrews and received BS in Biology from UHM, and now she is helping younger students in the lab learn techniques in microbiology.     

2022 - 12 - 16 - Graduation celebration party  

Front: Mona (UG), Kayla (UG), Jaymie* (UG-Honors, UROP), Chloé (UG), Jayna (G)

Back: Jonathan (UG), Colby (UG), Sladjana (PI), Endrei (G) 

*Graduated - Congrats Jaymie!

2022 - 11 - 12 - HI ASM Fall Meeting  

HI ASM - finally in person after three years!

Endrei (G), Mona (UG), Jonathan (UG), Jaymie (UG-UROP), Kaye (UG), Jayna (G), Chloé (UG)

2022 - 08 - 30 - Pizza Party for Allexa - Goodbye Allexa!  

Jonathan (UG), Kaye (UG), Endrei (G), Sladjana (PI), Mona (UG-UROP), Jayna (G), Allexa (behind Jayna, ex-lab member!), and Jaymie (UG-UROP) 

2022 - 05 - 11 - End of the 21/22 school year party 

Ahosanul (G), Sladjana (PI), Allexa (LM), Jayna (G), and Endrei (G) 

2022 - 04 - 02 - Science Olympiad 

Jaymie (UG-UROP), Michaela (UG-UROP), and Sladjana (PI) grading tests for the Hawaii State Science Olympiad State Final Tournament at UH Manoa - Cell Biology (division C- High School). We even had matching shirts : ) 

2021 - 05 - 14 - End of the 20/21 school year party 

Allexa (G), Sladjana (PI), Michaela (UG-UROP), Jayna (G), Marc (UG), Mona (UG), Kaile (UG), Endrei (G), Jenna (UH), Gino* (UG), Jaymie (UG)

*Graduated - Congrats Gino!

2021 - 05 - 14 - Thanks science! 

After a long year of meeting each other via Zoom and Google Meet, limiting number of people in the lab, and not being able to accept new students; we are now able to grow in numbers and have lunch together mask-less and in person! How wonderful! Thank you science for the vaccine! 

2020 - 05 - 15 - "Zoom Party" - End of the 2019/20 school year party 

Michaela (UG), Sladjana (PI), Gino (UG), 

Brandi (G), Chelsea* (UG), Allexa (G)

Jayna* (UG-UROP), Colby* (UG-UROP), Endrei (G)

*Graduated - Congrats Chelsea, Jayna, and Colby!

2019 - 12 - 20 - Graduation celebration party

Jordan* (UG), Endrei (G), Kylee* (UG), Colby (UG-UROP), Brandi (G), Jayna (UG-UROP), Michaela (UG)

*Graduated - Congrats Jordan and Kylee!

2019 - 12 - 17 - Visit to the Life Sciences Building - our future home! 

Endrei (G), Michaela (UG), and Sladjana (PI)

2019 - 05 - 13 - The end of the 2018/2019 school year party

Jordan (UG), Kylee (UG), Sladjana (PI), Chelsea (UG), Allexa (G), Kevin* (UG-UROP), Jeannie* (UG-Honors), Colby (UG), Johnny (UG), Brandi (G), Leslie* (UG), Endrei (G)

*Graduated - Congrats Kevin, Jeannie, and Leslie!

Prisic Lab Spring 2019

Top: Allexa (G), Brandi (G), Kevin (UG-UROP), Jeannie (UG)

Bottom: Endrei (G), Chelsea (UG), Colby (UG), Jayna (UG), Leslie (UG), Sladjana (PI)

2018 - 05 - 13 - The end of the 2017/2018 school year party

From left to right: Endrei (G), Kevin (UG), Soohan (UG)*, Sladjana (PI), Allexa (G)

*Graduated - Congrats Soohan!

2018 - 03 - 03 - The Manoa Experience

From left to right: Soohan (UG), Endrei (G), and Kevin (UG) - promoting the Microbiology Program at the Manoa Experience event. 

2017 - 05 - 14 - The end of the 2016/2017 school year party

From left to right: Brandi (G), Jared (UG), Celeste (PD), Anna (UG-UROP)*, Sasha (UG-UROP), (?), Janey (UG-UROP)*, Sladjana (PI)

*Graduated - Congrats Anna and Janey!

2017 Spring Prisic lab has 8 undergraduate students:

Mattia (UG-UROP), Jared (UG), Janey (UG-UROP), Anna (UG-UROP), and Charissa (UG)

2017 Spring Prisic lab has 2 graduate students and a postdoc:

Celeste (PD), Brandi (G), Sladjana (PI), and Allexa (G)

Allexa the Brave with a friendly REAL spider!

2016 - 04 - 23 - The end of the 2015/2016 school year party

Top: Michael (UG)*, Allexa (G), Sladjana (PI), Tianwen (PD)

Down: Jae (UG-UROP)*, Brandi (G), Brennen (UG-UROP), Selma (G)

*Graduated - Congrats Michael and Jae and good luck!

2015 - 04 - 18 - The end of the 2014/2015 school year party

From left to right: Allexa (LA), Sladjana (PI), Jaymes (UG-UROP)*, Raj (PD), Tenny (UG)*

*Graduated - Congrats Jaymes and Tenny and good luck!

2014 - 12 - 13 - Prisic Lab 1st Party!

From left to right: Allexa (LA), Shane (UG)*, Tenny (UG), Jaymes (UG), Sladjana (PI)

*Graduated - Congrats Shane and good luck!