
Today we received a barrage of papers in the mail regarding the "Gopi Bhavas," namely, Tamal Krishna Goswami, Giriraja Maharaja, Jadurani devi dasi and Bhurijana Prabhu. These transcripts concern their involvement with Narayana Maharaja of the Gaudiya Math. Because the volume of paperwork is too much to copy and mail out, we will assume that the reader has either read, heard or has access to the transcripts. If not, anyone desiring to have a copy of the transcripts in question can write to Nama Hatta at Geyserville and we will forward a copy to them.

Without going over every point in the transcripts, which consists of lectures, conversations, meetings and letters from concerned devotees, we shall comment only on the main points in this whole affair. Our comments are random, not in order and formulated over a period of a week or two, as inspiration moved us.