Sadhana bhakti warnings from Srila Prabhupada

Sadhana Bhakti warnings from our Acarya

1) NBS 13 P Narada-bhakti-sutra

If a diseased person is being cured of the symptoms of his disease

but does not care for the principles of healthy living, there is every

possibility of a relapse. Similarly, the neophyte devotee serious

about advancing in devotional service must carefully follow the

principles of regulative devotional service; otherwise there is every

possibility of his falling down. Strictly speaking, if a devotee

ignores the regulative principles and acts according to his whims--if,

for example, he does not eat krsna-prasadam but eats anywhere and

everywhere, such as in restaurants--there is every possibility of his

falling down. If he accumulates money without spending it for

devotional service, there is every possibility of his falling down. If

he applies his energy not in the service of the Lord but in some

material activity, there is every possibility of his falling down. If

the devotee does not engage himself always in hearing and chanting the

topics of Krsna and His activities but instead indulges in idle talk,

there is every chance of his falling down. If a neophyte devotee does

not follow the orders of the spiritual master and simply officially

sticks to the principles, or if he does not strictly follow the

principles, there is every possibility of his falling down. To become

greedy is another cause of falldown. And to associate with persons who

are not in devotional service is the last word in maya's allurements

for causing a devotee to fall down.

2) Conversations

to perfect oneself in Krsna consciousness, he should not ... no

meat-eating or animal food, no intoxication, no gambling. So every

student has to follow these four principles. Otherwise I don't

initiate. I don't take cheap students that "You can do ...

initiation. Then, if you are situated in the third stage nicely, that

means if you follow the regulative principles under my direction, then

the fourth stage automatically comes. After this third stage, the

fourth,... to eighth, automatically comes. That is gradual

development. So in the third stage, if you follow the regulative

principle and chant with some prescribed number, numerical strength,

then your all misgivings will be ... or purified. So Krsna

consciousness means purified consciousness, real consciousness. And

the next stage, after being freed from misgivings, attachment for the

real identity.[God] Ruci. Then asakti, greater attachment.[for God] Then an ... to

the... How do you attain Krsna consciousness? These are the stages. So

if you follow cautiously and sentiently these six stages of

development, you come to Krsna consciousness. (kirtana--end)...

3) 701212rc.ind Conversations

sadacara means to become freed from sinful reaction. Unless one

follows the regulative principles he cannot be freed. And unless one

is fully freed from sinful reaction he cannot understand what is God.

4) SB 2.9.31 P --Therefore, one cannot understand the Personality of Godhead unless one

becomes a devotee and discharges devotional service. This mystery is

love of Godhead. Therein lies the main qualification for knowing the

mystery of the Personality of Godhead. And to attain the stage of

transcendental love of Godhead, regulative principles of devotional

service must be followed. The regulative principles are called

vidhi-bhakti, or the devotional service of the Lord, and they can be

practiced by a neophyte with his present senses. Such regulative

principles are mainly based on hearing and chanting of the glories of

the Lord. And such hearing and chanting of the glories of the Lord can

be made possible in the association of devotees only. Lord Caitanya

therefore recommended five main principles for attaining perfection in

the devotional service of the Lord. The first is association with

devotees (hearing); second is chanting the glories of the Lord; third,

hearing Srimad-Bhagavatam from the pure devotee; fourth, residing in a

holy place connected with the Lord; and fifth, worshiping the Deity of

the Lord with devotion. Such rules and regulations are parts of

devotional service.

5) SB 3.5.4 P--The bhakti process, as

performed under the regulative principles of vaidhi-bhakti, or

devotional service following the prescribed rules and regulations, is

defined by the revealed scriptures and confirmed by great acaryas.

This practice can help the neophyte devotee to rise to the stage of

raga-bhakti, in which the Lord responds from within ... when such a

nondualist comes to sense that the Lord is worshipable and that the

devotee is simultaneously one with and different from the Lord, then

only can he surrender .....

6) Madhya 19.157-- While the bhakti-lata creeper is growing, the devotee must protect

it by fencing it all around. The neophyte devotee must be protected by

being surrounded by pure devotees. In this way he will not give the

maddened elephant a chance to uproot his bhakti-lata creeper. When one

associates with nondevotees, the maddened elephant is set loose. Sri

Caitanya Mahaprabhu has said: asat-sanga-tyaga,--ei vaisnava-acara.

The first business of a Vaisnava is to give up the company of

nondevotees. A so-called mature devotee, however, commits a great

offense by giving up the company of pure devotees. The living entity

is a social animal, and if one gives up the society of pure devotees,

he must associate with nondevotees (asat-sanga). By contacting

nondevotees and engaging in nondevotional activities, a so-called

mature devotee will fall victim to the mad elephant offense. Whatever

growth has taken place is quickly uprooted by such an offense. One

should therefore be very careful to defend the creeper by fencing it

in-that is, by following the regulative principles and associating

with pure devotees.

If one thinks that there are many pseudo devotees or nondevotees in

the Krsna Consciousness Society, one can keep direct company with the

spiritual master, and if there is any doubt, one should consult the

spiritual master. However, unless one follows the spiritual master's

instructions and the regulative principles governing chanting and

hearing the holy name of the Lord, one cannot become a pure devotee.

By one's mental concoctions, one falls down. By associating with

nondevotees, one breaks the regulative principles and is thereby lost.