Co-operate with Gaudiya Math???

Giriraja Swami has written a paper suggesting strongly that ISKCON should co-operate with the Gaudiya Math. There is no harm in uniting with Gaudiya Math, but that consideration can only be entertained as long as we keep Srila Prabhupada as the central pivot of such co-operation. In other words, both the Gaudiya Math and the ISKCON devotees, both leaders and followers, must act subordinately to the Sampradaya Acharya, Srila Prabhupada, and act as his representatives.

There is no use in giving analytical attention to the speech of Narayana Maharaja or Tamal Krishna Goswami, nor to the paper written by Giriraja in favour of uniting ISKCON and the Gaudiya Math. The fact that any disciple, especially a leading so-called guru-acharya of ISKCON, would betray Srila Prabhupada on such whimsical and absurd grounds in favour of a so-called "rasika bhava guru" is the only point to be considered.

  1. What are the actual accomplishments of Narayana Maharaja, who has the audacity to say, "Prabhupada gave only a little... the basic thing. He could not give more" [The higher thing can be had from either himself, the rasikabhava guru or others like him] and "Srila Prabhupada was not actually a servant of Krishna, only a servant of Maha-Vishnu?" What books has Narayana Maharaja translated, published and distributed? Srila Prabhupada translated and published over 140 books and Back to Godhead magazines, all sold in the hundreds of millions, in languages all over the world.
  2. How many times has Narayana Maharaja travelled around the world, lecturing, opening centres, leading Ratha-yatra festivals, giving TV, radio and university appearances?
  3. How many temples, guest houses, farm communities and restaurants has Narayana Maharaja opened in his lifetime?
  4. How many disciples has Narayana Maharaja initiated from countries around the world?
  5. What help or service did Narayana Maharaja or any other Gaudiya Math leader actually render to Srila Prabhupada in his preaching mission at any time, to spread the mission of Srila Prabhupada? Of course, in hind sight, many have given lip service--"Yes, Swami Maharaja has done very nicely"--and then they go on to re-initiate and pollute the minds of a few of Srila Prabhupada's foolish and envious disciples.
  6. Who gave Tamal Krishna Goswami authority to go to Narayana Maharaja's math and speak nonsense in lectures and sit without protest while Narayana Maharaja belittles and disgraces Srila Prabhupada's name by saying he only gave the basic thing, and he was not actually a servant of Krishna, but only a servant of Maha-Vishnu?
  7. Why should ISKCON co-operate with Narayana? Co-operate means working together, bringing equal assets to the co-operative venture. What assets does Narayana Maharaja or any other Gaudiya Math leader have that could be equal to the assets of Srila Prabhupada? Does Narayana Maharaja have missions world-wide in every major city of the world? Has Narayana Maharaja published any authorised Vedic literatures, such as Srimad-Bhagavatam, Bhagavad-gita, Chaitanya-charitamrita, Bhakti-rasamrita-sindhu, Ishopanishad? It is said that a king can never be friends with a pauper. Where is the question of co-operation?

Giriraja Swami wants to present himself as a gopi bhava, rasika bhava, advanced devotee. But at every public function, including a normal morning Bhagavatam class, Giriraja Swami falls asleep, drooling saliva from his lips. Is this the sign of a rasika bhava, advanced devotee of the Lord? Or is it the sign of a bored devotee who cannot remain awake during the Bhagavatam class? (Video tape available.)