KRSNA, The Supreme Personality of Godhead

Srila Prabhupada’s original ISKCON Press 1970 KRSNA Book. KRSNA, the Supreme Personality of Godhead is the story of Krishna’s life. It starts with His birth in the prison house of King Kamsa and follows the adventures of Krishna throughout His life including His escape from being killed by cruel King Kamsa, His childhood in Vrindavan and His loving pastimes with all the residents of Vrindavan including His parents, His cowherd boyfriends, His gopi girlfriends and all the other residents of Vrindavan including even the animals.

Of course Krishna is famous as ‘Govinda’, the friend of the cows. It seems to us to be very strange that when God comes to this earth He chooses to appear as a cowherd boy in the small village of Vrindvan in India. KRSNA Book is a very interesting book full of action and adventure so it is a great pleasure to read. And because the subject matter is the glorification and description of the pastimes of the Supreme Personality of Godhead reading KRSNA Book is very beneficial and has a purifying effect on the consciousness.

The complete cost of printing this two-volume KRSNA Book set in 1970 was paid by George Harrison of the Beatles and there is a Forward from George Harrison in the front of the book.