Research Semester Portfolio

This portfolio covers the activities that are carried out by Atanas Yonkov, a Fontys ICT & Media student during the 6th Research Semester.

This semester consisted of various different projects inluding:

  • Validating a proof of concept for a real stakeholder at the name of SIMAC (~10 weeks)

  • Take a deep dive into metaverse with researching problem about SEAT Automotive during the internation week (~2 weeks)

  • Personally broaden my knowledge about Salesforce Commerce Cloud in theory and practice (~4 weeks)

That is where we, group 3, come in. In this portfolio I will be demonstrating the proof of concept we validate with various testing methods and research and the way we got there.

Duration: 5 months

Methods: Library, Field, Lab, Showroom & Workshop

Tools: Adobe Xd, Google Cloud, Figma, Canva, Trello, VS Code, SFCC


  • At the beginning of the semester, the SIMAC IT company approached us with the following problem:
    "Support your colleague in his/her personal growth and ambition". So the main research question out of that task is "How can SIMAC stimulate personal development and growth by enabling colleagues supporting each other?"

  • That took us about 4 months, which at the last 2 weeks was overlapping with the internation design week focused on enabling real companies reach new heights with the help of the metaverse.

  • The very last month was focused on a personal project where I decided to take it a step further, combining business and pleasure. That meant that I approached a professional project in my field of work with the help of CMD in order to solve the problem occuring during the execution of the task that I was given.

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