Squaw Creek Bioengineering Demonstration Project
Squaw Creek Bioengineering Demonstration Project
The Popo Agie Conservation District partnered with the Museum of the American West to create an education demonstration project on Squaw Creek. The project utilized a number of innovative bioengineering techniques in combination with traditional engineering to highlight the use of natural materials to achieve a healthy riparian system. We created a 20 minute educational video to highlight the practices utilized at the Museum. Stop by our office for a free copy.
The Popo Agie Conservation District partnered with the Museum of the American West to create an education demonstration project on Squaw Creek. The project utilized a number of innovative bioengineering techniques in combination with traditional engineering to highlight the use of natural materials to achieve a healthy riparian system. We created a 20 minute educational video to highlight the practices utilized at the Museum. Stop by our office for a free copy.
The goal of this project was to stabilize streambanks, reduce soil erosion, enhance habitat, and improve water quality. Bioengineering practices included fish lunkers, brush mattress, willow fascine, vortex weir, rock barb, and root wad.
The goal of this project was to stabilize streambanks, reduce soil erosion, enhance habitat, and improve water quality. Bioengineering practices included fish lunkers, brush mattress, willow fascine, vortex weir, rock barb, and root wad.
Practices were installed by volunteers from the Popo Agie Conservation District, Lander Valley High School Natural Resource Science Class under the instruction of Carrie Johnson, L.V.H.S. Future Farmers of America students under the direction of Mike McConnell, Museum of the American West, Lander Children’s Museum, and the Popo Agie Watershed Planning Steering Committee.
Practices were installed by volunteers from the Popo Agie Conservation District, Lander Valley High School Natural Resource Science Class under the instruction of Carrie Johnson, L.V.H.S. Future Farmers of America students under the direction of Mike McConnell, Museum of the American West, Lander Children’s Museum, and the Popo Agie Watershed Planning Steering Committee.