Education is key to conservation.

We can come to you...

We can come to your classroom.  Listed here are the lessons we offer each grade level.  All of our lessons meet state education standards.   Please let us know if there are additional lessons you would like.   We are here to help!

You can come to us...

We can provide you with resources to utilize yourself.   We have those really cool rubber animal tracks, rock and mineral collections, CDs,  games, and more.   Listed here are resources that you can check out like a library book.

Click Images Below

Ag Expo

(3rd grade)

Aquatic Insects

(3rd grade)


(4th grade)

Outdoor Education Day

(4th grade)

Poster Contest

(5th grade)

World Water Monitoring Challenge

(5th grade)

This is just a sample of some of the lessons.  Any of the lessons can be made appropriate for different grade levels.