
Pope Francis          

26.10.18 Holy Mass  Santa Marta        

Ephesians 4: 1-6       Luke 12: 54-59 

St. Paul from the solitude of his imprisonment was writing to the Ephesians a true "hymn to unity", recalling the "dignity of vocation". Paul’s solitude would accompany him until his death in Rome, because Christians were “too busy” in their "internal struggles". And before Paul, Jesus Himself “asked for the grace of unity from the Father for all of us."

Yet, today we are "used to breathing the air of conflict". Every day, on the TV and in newspapers, we hear about conflicts and wars  "one after the other", "without peace, without unity”. Agreements made to stop conflicts are ignored, thus the arms race and preparation for war and destruction go ahead.

Even world institutions created with the best of intentions for peace and unity, fail to come to an agreement because of a veto here and an interest there ... While they are struggling to arrive at peace agreements, children have no food, no school, no education and hospitals because the war has destroyed everything.

There is a tendency to destruction, war and disunity in us. It is the tendency that the devil, the enemy and destroyer of humanity sows in our hearts. The Apostle teaches us that the journey of unity is, so to say, clad or “armoured' with the bond of peace. Peace, he said, leads to unity.

We who are used to insulting and shouting at each other, need to make peace and unity among us with gentleness and patience

Christians open your hearts and make peace in the world taking the path of the “three little things” - "humility,   gentleness and patience". Paul's advice is “bear with one another in love". It’s not easy as there is always a judgement, a condemnation which leads to separation  and distances

When a rift is created between members of the family, the devil is happy with the start of war . The advice is then to bear with one another because we always have an excuse to be annoyed and impatient because we are all sinners with defects. St. Paul, inspired by Jesus at the Last Supper who urged for “one body and one spirit”, thus urges us to “preserve the unity of spirit through the bond of peace".

The next step is to see the horizon of peace with God, just as Jesus made us see the horizon of peace with prayer: “Father, may they be one, as You and I are one'. In today's Gospel of Luke Jesus advises us to strike an agreement with our adversary along the way. It’s good advice, because "it is not difficult to come to an agreement at the beginning of a conflict.

The advice of Jesus is to settle the matter and make peace at the beginning, which calls for humility, gentleness and patience. One can build peace throughout the world with these little things, which are the attitudes of Jesus who is humble, meek and forgives  everything.

Today we, the world, our families and our society need peace. I invite Christians to start putting into practice humility, gentleness and patience saying this is the path to making peace and consolidating unity


Pope Francis       

18.03.19   Holy Mass, Santa Marta    

Luke 6: 36-38 

Do not judge others; do not condemn;   forgive: in this way you imitate the mercy of the Father. In order not to not go astray in life, we need to imitate God; walk in the sight of the Father.

The mercy of God is such a great thing, very great. We must not forget this. How many people say: “I have done such terrible things. I have purchased my place in hell, I can’t turn back”. But do they think about the mercy of God? Let us remember that story about the poor widow lady who went to confess to the Curé of Ars. Her husband had committed suicide; he jumped from the bridge into the river. And she wept. She said, “But I am a sinner, a poor woman. But my poor husband! He is in hell. He committed suicide, and suicide is a mortal sin. He is in hell”. And the Curé of Ars said, “But wait a moment, ma’am, because between the bridge and the river, there is the mercy of God”. But to the very end, to the very end, there is the mercy of God.

Jesus gives three practical suggestions to help us get in the habit of being merciful. First: to not judge. We should refrain from judging, especially in this time of Lent.

Also, it is a habit that gets mixed up in our life even without us realizing it. Always! Even by beginning a conversation: “Did you see what he did?” Judgement of others. Let us think about how many times each day we judge. All of us. But always through beginning a conversation, a comment about someone else: “But look, that person had plastic surgery! They’re uglier than before”.

Learn the wisdom of generosity, the main way to overcome gossiping. When we gossip about others we are continually judging, continually condemning, and hardly forgiving.

The Lord teaches us: “Give and it will be given to you”: be generous in giving. Don’t be “closed pockets”; be generous in giving to the poor, to those who are in need, and also in giving many things: in giving counsel, in giving a smile to people, in smiling. “Give and it will be given to you. And it will be given to you in good measure, flowing over, pressed down, running over”, because the Lord will be generous: We give one, and He gives us one hundred of all that we have given. And this is the attitude that provides armour for not judging, not condemning; for forgiving. The importance of giving alms, but not only material alms, but spiritual alms too: spending time with someone in need, visiting someone who is sick, offering a smile.


Pope Francis       

07.04.19  Angelus, St Peter's Square    

5th Sunday of Lent Year C 

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Good morning!

On this Fifth Sunday of Lent, the liturgy presents us the episode of the adulterous woman (cf. Jn 8:1-11). In it, there are two contrasting attitudes: that of the scribes and the Pharisees on the one hand, and that of Jesus on the other. The former want to condemn the woman because they feel they are the guardians of the Law and of its faithful implementation. Jesus, on the other hand, wants to save her because he personifies God’s mercy which redeems by forgiving and renews by reconciling.

Let us thus look at the event. While Jesus is teaching in the Temple, the scribes and the Pharisees bring him a woman who has been caught in adultery. They place her in the middle and ask Jesus if they should stone her as the Law of Moses prescribes. The Evangelist explains that they asked the question in order “to test him, that they might have some charge to bring against him” (v. 6). One might think that this was their purpose: behold the iniquity of these people — a ‘no’ to the stoning would have been a pretext to accuse Jesus of disobeying the Law; a ‘yes’ instead, to report him to the Roman Authority which had reserved such sentences to itself and did not permit lynching by the people. And Jesus must respond.

Jesus’ interrogators are confined to narrow legalism and want to oblige the Son of God to conform to their perspective of judgment and condemnation. However, he did not come into the world to judge and condemn, but rather to save and offer people a new life. And how does Jesus react to this test? First of all, he remains silent for some time and then he bends down to write on the ground with his finger, almost as if to remind them that the only Legislator and Judge is God who had inscribed the Law on stone. And then he says: “Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her” (v. 7). In this way, Jesus appeals to the conscience of those men: they felt they were the ‘champions of justice’, but he reminds them of their own condition as sinners, due to which they cannot claim the right to life or death over one of their fellow human beings. At that point, one after the other, beginning with the eldest — that is, those who were more fully aware of their own failings — they all went away, and desisted from stoning the woman. This episode also invites each of us to be aware that we are sinners, and to let fall from our hands the stones of denigration, of condemnation, of gossip, which at times we would like to cast at others. When we speak ill of others, we are throwing stones, we are like these people.

And in the end only Jesus and the woman are left there in the middle: “misery with mercy”, as Saint Augustine says (In Joh 33:5). Jesus is the only one without fault, the only one who could throw a stone at her, but he does not do so, because God “does not want the death of the wicked but that the wicked convert and live” (cf. Ez 33:11). And Jesus sends the woman on her way with these wonderful words: “Go and do not sin again” (Jn 8:11). And thus Jesus opens a new path to her, created by mercy, a path that requires her commitment not to sin again. It is an invitation that applies to each one of us. When Jesus forgives us, he always opens a new path on which to go forward. In this Lenten Season, we are called to recognize ourselves as sinners and to ask God for forgiveness. And, in its turn, while forgiveness reconciles us and gives us peace, it lets us start again, renewed. Every true conversion is oriented toward a new future, a new life, a beautiful life, a life free from sin, a generous life. Let us not be afraid to ask Jesus for forgiveness because he opens the door to this new life for us. May the Virgin Mary help us to bear witness to all of the merciful love of God, who through Jesus, forgives us and renders our lives new, by always offering us new possibilities. 


Pope Francis       

10.03.24 Angelus,  St Peter's Square   

4th Sunday of Lent Year B  

Dear brothers and sisters, good day!

On this fourth Sunday of Lent, the Gospel presents us with the figure of Nicodemus (cf. Jn 3:14-21), a pharisee, “a ruler of the Jews” (Jn 3:1). He saw the signs Jesus performed, he recognized in Him a teacher sent by God, and he went to meet Him by night, so as not to be seen. The Lord welcomes him, converses with him and reveals to him that He came not to condemn, but to save the world (cf. v. 17). Let us pause to reflect on this: Jesus came not to condemn, but to save. This is beautiful!

Often in the Gospel we see Christ revealing the intentions of the people He meets, at times unmasking their false attitudes, such as with the pharisees (cf. Mt 23:27-32), or making them reflect on the disorder of their life, as with the Samaritan woman (cf. Jn 4: 5-42). There are no secrets before Him: He reads them in the heart. This ability could be disturbing because, if used badly, harms people, exposing them to merciless judgements. Indeed, no-one is perfect: we are all sinners, we all make mistakes, and if the Lord were to use His knowledge of our weaknesses to condemn us, no-one could be saved.

But it is not like this. Indeed, He does not need them in order to point the finger at us, but to embrace our life, to free us from sins and to save us. Jesus is not interested in putting us on trial or subjecting us to judgement; He wants none of us to be lost. The Lord’s gaze upon every one of us is not a blinding beacon that dazzles us and puts us in difficulty, but rather the gentle glimmer of a friendly lamp, that helps us to see the good in ourselves and to be aware of the evil, so that we may be converted and healed with the support of His grace.

Jesus came not to condemn, but to save the world. Think of us, who very often condemn others; many times, we like to speak badly, to go in search of gossip against others. Let us ask the Lord to give us, all of us, this merciful gaze, to look at others as He looks at us.

May Mary help us to wish good for one another.


Pope Francis 

24.11.24 Holy Mass, Saint Peter's Basilica, 

Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe,

World Youth Day  

John 18: 33-37

At the end of the liturgical year, the Church celebrates the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the universe. This celebration invites us to look towards him, the Lord, the source and fulfilment of all things (cf. Col 1:16-17), whose “kingdom shall not be destroyed” (Dan 7:14).

As we contemplate Christ the King, we are uplifted and moved. However, what we see around us is quite different, and this contrast may make disturbing questions arise in our hearts. What are we to make of so many wars, the ongoing violence and natural disasters? What can be said about the many problems that you, dear young people, must face as you look towards the future: the scarcity of job opportunities, uncertainty about the state of the economy, the rise of inequalities that polarize our society? Why is all this happening? And how can we avoid being overwhelmed? It is true that these are challenging questions but they are important ones.

Today, as the Church celebrates World Youth Day, I would like to encourage you to reflect, in the light of the Word of God, on three ideas that can help us face these challenges courageously. These three ideas are: .

First: accusations. In today’s Gospel, Jesus is being accused (cf. Jn 18:33-37). He is, as they say, “on the witness stand” in court. Pilate, an official of the Roman Empire, is questioning Jesus. This can be taken as an image representing all the powers that have violently oppressed peoples throughout the course of history. Although Pilate personally had no interest in Jesus, he also knew that the people followed him, believing him to be a guide, a teacher, the Messiah. The procurator could not allow any disturbance or turmoil to threaten the “forced peace” of his district, so he resolved to placate the powerful enemies of this defenceless prophet. He put Jesus on trial and threatened to condemn him to death. The Lord, who had always preached justice, mercy and forgiveness, was not afraid. He did not allow himself to be intimidated; he did not rebel. Jesus was faithful to the truth he proclaimed, faithful to the point of sacrificing his life.

Dear young people, perhaps you also feel “accused” at times for following Jesus. At school, or among your friends and acquaintances, some may try to make you think that your faithfulness to the Gospel and its values is a mistake, because it keeps you from conforming to the crowd and blending in. Do not be afraid of their “condemnations”! Have no worries; sooner or later, their criticism will fall through, their condemnations will prove false, and their superficial values will be revealed for what they are: illusions. Dear young people, be careful not to get carried away by illusions. Please be concrete because reality is concrete. Beware of illusions.

What endures, as Christ teaches us, is quite different: the work of love. That is what remains and makes life beautiful! The rest will fade away. Love is made concrete in works. Therefore, I repeat: do not be afraid of the “condemnations” of the world. Keep on loving! But love according to the light of the Lord; by giving your life to help others.

This brings us to the second point: approval. Jesus says: “My kingdom is not of this world” (Jn 18:36). What does Jesus mean by this statement? “My kingdom is not of this world”. Why does he not do anything to ensure his success, to garner up the support of the authorities, to get approval for his programme? Why does he not do it? How can he expect to change things if he has been “defeated”? Jesus behaves in this way because he rejects the mentality of power (cf. Mk 10:42-45). Jesus is free from it!

Dear young people, you too would do well to follow his example. Do not allow yourself to be dragged along by the need to be seen, approved of and praised. Those who get caught up in this frenzy experience anxiety. They end up pushing others around, falling into rivalries, being disingenuous, giving into peer pressure and compromising just to gain a bit of recognition and visibility. Please be careful, your dignity is not for sale. It is not for sale! Be careful.

God loves you just as you are, and not as you appear. Before him, the innocence of your dreams are worth more than success and fame, and the sincerity of your intentions are worth more than worldly approval. Do not be deceived by those who seek to lure you with vain promises, but only want to manipulate you and use you for their own interests. Beware of being exploited. Be careful not to be conditioned. Be free, but free in harmony with your dignity. Do not settle for being “stars for a day” on social media or in any other context! I recall an occasion when a young woman wanted to be noticed, even though she was pretty, she put on all her make-up before going to the party. I thought, “after the make-up, what is left?” Do not put make-up over your soul and do not put make-up over your heart. Be as you are: sincere and transparent. Do not be ‘stars for a day’ on social media or in any other context. You are called to shine in a wider sky. In heaven, the infinite love of the Father is reflected in many little lights. His love is revealed in us through the faithful affection between spouses, the innocent joy of children, the enthusiasm of young people, caring for the elderly, the generosity of consecrated persons, the charity shown towards the poor and the honesty upheld in work environments. Think of the things that will make you strong. These little lights of: the faithful affection of spouses - a beautiful thing -; the innocent joy of children - this is a beautiful joy! -; the enthusiasm of young people - be enthusiastic, all of you! -; and care for the elderly. I ask you: do you care for the elderly? Do you visit your grandparents? Be generous in your lives and charitable to the poor, and hones in your work. This is the true firmament where we shine like stars in the world (cf. Phil 2:15). Please do not listen to those who lie to you! No approval you receive can save the world or make you happy. Only the free gift of love can bring us happiness. What saves the world is the free gift of love. Love cannot be bought, it cannot be sold: it is gratuitous, it is a giving of oneself.

This brings us to the third point: truth. Christ came into the world “to bear witness to the truth” (Jn 18:37), and he did so by teaching us to love God and our brothers and sisters (cf. Mt 22:34-40; 1 Jn 4:6-7). Only in love does our existence find light and meaning (cf. 1 Jn 2:9-11). Otherwise, we remain prisoners of a great lie. What is this big lie? That of self-sufficiency, the ‘I’ that is self-sufficient (cf. Gen 3:4-5). This type of selfishness is the root of all injustice and unhappiness. It is the ‘I’ that turns in on itself - I, me, with me, always ‘me’ - and it does not have the ability to see others or to talk to them. Beware of this disease of the ‘I’ turned in on itself.

Christ, who is the way, the truth and the life (cf. Jn 14:6), by stripping himself of everything and dying on the cross for our salvation, teaches us that only in love can we live, grow and flourish in our full dignity (cf. Eph 4:15-16). Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati — a young man like you — once wrote to a friend, saying that, without love we no longer live, but we simply get by (cf. Letter to Isidoro Bonini, 27 February 1925). We want to live, not just get by. That is why we must strive to bear witness to the truth in charity, loving one another as Jesus taught us (cf. Jn 15:12).

Sisters and brothers, it is not true, as some think, that world events have “escaped” God’s control. It is not true that history is written by oppressors, tyrants and the proud. Although many of the evils that afflict us are the work of men who have been deceived by the Evil One, everything is ultimately subject to the judgement of God. Those who oppress people, who make wars, what will their faces look like when they stand before the Lord? “Why did you start that war? Why did you commit murder?” How will they respond? Let us think about that, and about us too. We do not start wars and we do not kill, but I did commit this or that sin. When the Lord will say to us, “But why did you do this? Why have you been unjust in this way? Why did you spend money on your vanity?” The Lord will also ask us these things. The Lord gives us freedom, but he does not abandon us. He corrects us when we fall, but he never ceases to love us. If we wish, he picks us up so we can continue our journey with joy.

At the end of this Eucharist, the Portuguese youth will entrust to the Korean youth the symbols of WYD: the cross and the icon of Mary Salus Populi Romani. This, too, is a sign. It is an invitation to all of us to live out the Gospel and take it to every part of the world, without stopping, without being discouraged, getting up after every fall and never ceasing to hope. Indeed, the theme of the message for today’s celebration is: “Those who hope in the Lord shall run and not be weary” (cf. Is 40:31). You, young Koreans, will receive the Cross of Our Lord, the Cross of life, the sign of victory, but you are not alone: you will receive it along with our Mother. It is Mary who always accompanies us on our journey towards Jesus. It is Mary who in difficult moments is beside our Cross to help us, because she is our Mother, she is mum. Keep Mary in mind.

Let us keep our gaze fixed on Jesus, on his Cross and on Mary, our Mother. In this way, even throughout our difficulties, we will find the strength to go forward, without fear of accusations, without the need for approval, based on your own dignity, with your own security of being saved and being accompanied by Mother Mary. Without making compromises and without spiritual make-up. Your dignity needs no make-up. Let us go forward, happy to live for others, to be in love, and to be witnesses of the truth. Please do not lose your joy. Thank you.

24.11.24 m