Ch 6. BeiDou Navigation Satellite System

Mingquan Lu and Zheng Yao

Tsinghua University, China

Chapter Overview:

The BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) is China’s space-based navigation system, designed to be compatible and interoperable with other global navigation satellite systems (GNSSs). It not only provides basic radio navigation satellite services (RNSS), namely users’ position, velocity, and time (PVT) services, as do other GNSSs, but BDS also provides radio determination satellite services (RDSS), satellite-based augmentation services (SBAS), and search and rescue (SAR) services.

The BDS program started as a regional, active positioning system, evolved into a regional passive ranging system, and is being rapidly expanded into a global, multifunctional satellite navigation system. With the completion of the first and second steps, BDS I and BDS II have been widely used in China and the Asia-Pacific region. Currently, BDS III, the product of the third step of the BDS development plan, is offering global and multifunctional services.

This chapter provides a comprehensive and in-depth introduction to BDS, following its original three-step development plan. Section 6.1 gives an overview of BDS, while Section 6.2 outlines the evolution of BDS. Section 6.3 introduces the geodesy and time systems employed by BDS. Then Section 6.4 and 6.5 describe BDS I and BDS II, respectively. Section 6.6 presents the latest progress of the emerging BDS III. Finally, Section 6.7 is a brief summary of BDS.

From this page you can:

Figure 6-1 The three-step development plan of BDS

Figure 6-28 Spectrum Evolution Diagram of BDS Signals (The RDSS related signals is enclosed with dotted lines)