Ch 17. Assisted GNSS

Frank van Diggelen, Google

Chapter Overview: This chapter describes how Assisted GNSS works: A-GNSS provides satellite orbits, approximate receiver position, and time to the receiver before it begins acquiring satellites. We quantify the reduction in acquisition search space for each constellation in turn, deriving tables of the satellite speed, Doppler, Doppler rate, and the effect on the size of the search space.

On this web page you can:

    • Access the spreadsheet used to create the tables in the book.

    • Get hi-res copies of selected figures from the chapter, for use with attribution.

    • Download tle (two line element) orbit descriptions of all constellations. These are the tles used to generate the plots and tables in this chapter.

    • See Exercises and Solutions.

    • Read or contribute to errata.

    • Give feedback.

Tables of A-GNSS error sensitivity

Hi resolution figures (click a figure to get hi-resolution png):

A-GNSS Exercises, Solutions.docx