Physical Lights

Photographer Physical Lights add several Photometric and Artistic units that you would find in other softwares. Lights intensities is a broad subject that requires a bit of reading to grasps all intricacies of the physics behind visible wavelengths and the perceived brightness of light.

Here is a quick summary of the different available units in Photographer:

Best for Spot lights to maintain brighness when changing the Cone Angle.

For Area Lights:

Color Temperature (in Kelvin) describes the color of the light emitted by an incandescent black body radiator.

Color temperatures over 5000 K are called "cool colors", while lower color temperatures (2700–3000 K) are called "warm colors". As a reference, a clear sunlight at zenith has a color temperature close to 5600K and a clear sky has a color temperature around 9000K.

Theses values can easily be found on light packaging, but keep in mind that modern RGB LED panels are not limited to Color Temperatures.