Light Mixer

The Light Mixer panel will list all the lights in your scene and display some of their most useful settings.

Creating lights from the Panel will use the default Light settings from the Photographer Preferences.

The buttons will be displayed in the Header if Show Compact UI is enabled in the add-on preferences.

Lights can be grouped in Collections and Light Groups to organize the Light Mixer panel, but also to be able to adjust intensities of a group of lights at the same time using the Stop - / + buttons. You can choose the sorting mode in the options at the bottom of the list (make sure to expand settings clicking on the little arrow).

Sorting by Light Groups has 3 operator buttons at the top:

Selecting a light in the Light list, the viewport or the outliner will display a set of the most usefuly settings in the Light Properties panel.

Changing the Light Type will automatically rename your light if the light type was part of its name.
Example: changing a Sun light named "Blue Sunlight" into a Point light will rename it "Blue Pointlight".
This should improve naming confusion when changing the light type of an existing light.

Light settings will change based on the Light Type and the Render engine.

For instance, Sun lights rotation can be set using Azimuth and Elevation values from the Horizontal Coordinate system.

If the Scene World uses a Nishita Sky texture, the Azimuth and Elevation will automatically update the Sky texture values.