Journalism Resources

The resources below are provided by the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting, based in Washington, DC, and the Philly School Media Network, which is a grant-funded partnership between the Philadelphia Writing Project, the Philadelphia Public School Notebook, and local public schools.

Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting

The Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting is excited to collaborate with the Philadelphia Writing Project as we continue to imagine what global education can look like in classrooms across America and around the world.

We encourage you to visit the following pages and resources on our site:

  1. About us
  2. Reporting
  3. K-12 Programs
  4. Lessons Archive
  5. Teachers' reflections on bringing global issues into classrooms:

Pulitzer Center Pre-Institute Assignment

We look forward to the ideas you'll bring to the ISI in response to this assignment.

Deadline: Sunday, July 8th

Step 1: Explore our collection of reporting at:

Step 2: Identify 2-4 pieces of reporting that:

    • Connect to the content/skills you are hoping to teach
    • Connect to issues that interest your students
    • Include language/images that are appropriate for your students
    • Interest and engage you!

We encourage you to select reporting presented in a range of mediums (written text, photo, audio, video).

Step 3: For each piece of reporting you identify, please write a few sentences, in which you loosely explain the rationale behind your selection and describe how you would integrate the reporting into your curriculum.

Step 4: Post on TPS Teachers Network!

Contact us with any questions!

Lorraine A. Ustaris (PhilWP TC and Pulitzer Center Multimedia Producer/Education Consultant) at

Fareed Mostoufi (Pulitzer Center Senior Education Manager) at

Philly School Media Network

The Philly School Media Network is a collaboration between the Philadelphia Writing Project (PHILWP), the School District of Philadelphia, and the Philadelphia Public School Notebook. It offers students and teachers opportunities to learn about journalism and writing by publishing student newspapers for their schools and for a broader audience on the Public School Notebook website. Through this project, students gain understanding of the role journalism plays in informing students and the wider public, along with the ways in which journalism can provide opportunities for civic action on many levels. Students journalistic writing includes identifying issues, exploring sources and evidence, and writing and producing published pieces.

By sharing their writing within and across schools, students are beginning to understand that their writing and their voices have impact. Participation in this Network allows Philadelphia students to see a range of uses for writing that include public sharing and civic engagement. We believe these network experiences will support increased student leadership as students in this project share their knowledge and expertise, make connections with students from other schools, and develop relationships with journalists who are writing about important issues that impact the district and the city.