Wednesday, July 18 [Day 8]

How do we address issues of equity and social justice in our teaching?

9:00 - 9:10

Reflections from day 7

9:10 - 9:25

Morning Reading: "A Pernicious Silence" (Polite & Saenger, 2003)


Reading Response Groups: Teaching for Equity and Social Justice

10:10 - 11:00

Curating, Planning, and Reflecting: Looking Ahead to the Fall

11:00 - 12:00

Journal Groups

12:00 - 1:00

Lunch/Sara's SIG: Peer Editing

1:00 - 3:00

Dr. Ebony Thomas: Having Difficult Conversations with your Students: Culturally Responsive Discourse in Classrooms, Schools, and Society

3:00 - 3:30

Reflections and Wrap-up

  1. Complete reaction sheet
  2. Share with your cohort which items you will bring for Thursday's Potluck here
  3. Consider posting reflections to TPS Teachers Network
  4. Readings for Day 9
      • Goswami & Rutherford (2009)
      • Grossman (2010)
      • Park, Simpson, Bicknell, & Michaels (2015)


  • Continue to engage with resources and models for teaching from the Library of Congress, Pulitzer Center, Philly School Media Network, NWP C3WP, and other primary source databases to begin curating and planning for the fall
  • Demonstrate how primary sources can support at least one teaching strategy (for example, literacy, inquiry-based learning, historical thinking, etc.)
  • Create a primary source-based activity that helps students engage in learning, develop critical thinking skills and construct knowledge
  • Continue to reflect on and engage in practitioner inquiry through reading and writing about questions of practice, particularly in terms of teaching about race


  • Brown, V. (2005). Human agency, social action, and classroom practices. In T. Hatch, D. Ahmen, A. Lieberman, D. Faigenbaum, M. White & D. Pointer Mace (Eds.), Going public with our teaching: An anthology of practice (pp. 257-266). New York: Teachers College Press.
  • Cummins, J. Chow, P. & Schecter, S.R. (2006). Community as curriculum. Language Arts, 83(4), 297-307.
  • Watson, D., Hagopian, J., & Au, W. (Eds.) (2018). Teaching for Black Lives. Milwaukee, WI: Rethinking Schools. [Selections]