Where Do I Start?

Start by Asking Questions

Perhaps the easiest way to start narrowing down your persona creation is to answer a series of questions.

  • Am I interested in a specific time period in history?
  • Am I interested in a specific type of dress?
  • Do I have a particular occupation in mind?
  • Am I interested in a particular event in history I'd like to be a part of?
  • Am I interested in a particular country/location?
  • Do I have a name already in mind that I like?

Answering these questions (one or all of them) can help begin your adventure into creating a cohesive persona. For instance, you may be interested in the Viking time period but also in the Tudor style of dress. These two things do not coexist at the same time historically. You do not have to always wear clothing from the time period of your persona (especially for themed events), but if your goal is to have a cohesive backstory for your persona, a Tudor dress wearing Viking doesn't make sense. Consider which of these two things you're more interested in and develop your persona around that. Again, keep in mind that your Viking warrior may very well go to a Tudor themed event and you'll be able to wear Tudor clothing at that time. You might even want to make multiple personas with different names so you can be whoever best fits certain activities and events!