What are Officers?

Like any other nonprofit organization, there is a carefully planned hierarchy of volunteers that help keep the Society running. These Officers -- from local to Society level -- have specific jobs that ensure the SCA keeps running. Below is an explanation of the different local officers you may come across. Each of these officers has a Society level counterpart that they report to.

Minister of Arts & Sciences

The basic focus of this officer is to organize and report on any artistic or scientific endeavors done in the local Shire. According to the Arts & Sciences page for the Kingdom of Meridies:

"The Minister of Arts and Sciences is responsible for fostering the Arts in Meridies and appoints such assistants as seems necessary for the education and organization of the Arts in Meridies. They also regularly sponsor classes, symposia, and other such educational seminars to acquaint the populace with the basic Arts vital to the continuing growth and life of the Kingdom's Arts and Sciences. They also oversee the organization, activities, and reporting of Kingdom Guilds and Interest Groups. "

If you would like to become involved in creating Medieval items -- from embroidery to clothing to arrows -- talk with your Arts & Sciences officer.

Office of the Chatelaine

The basic focus of this officer is to welcome Newcomers (like you!) and help them become acquainted with the ins and outs of the SCA. According to the Chatelaine page for the Kingdom of Meridies:

"Chatelaines serve as a contact point for newcomers to our Kingdom who are interested in the Society. The Kingdom Chatelaine offers support and guidance to local Chatelaines throughout the Kingdom. They also gather reports from the local Chatelaines and report on their progress to the Society Chatelaine."

If you have any questions, contact your Shire's Chatelaine and ask them -- that's what they're there for and they're excited to help!

Office of the Chronicler

The basic focus of this officer is to take keep the minutes for the monthly Shire Business Meetings.. According to the Chronicler page for the Kingdom of Meridies, the Kingdom level Chronicler has additional duties:

"The Chronicler is responsible for creating Meridies' newsletter, Popular Chivalry, each month. It is available in both paper and electronic formats. The Chronicler creates a fully-electronic supplement which contains articles, photos, poetry, and the like, which are submitted by the populace. This office is also responsible for submitting items for the Master William Blackfox Awards which recognize excellence in the work of Chroniclers and newsletter contributors."

If you have any interest in prior month Business Meeting minutes, just ask your Chronicler for the documents!

Office of the Exchequer

The basic focus of this officer is to keep track of the money the Shire possesses. This officer, along with the Seneschal, is also integral in the Shire using any of these funds. According to the Exchequer page for the Kingdom of Meridies, the Kingdom level Exchequer has additional duties:

"The Chancellor of the Exchequer is responsible for all withdrawals, collections, and usage of Kingdom monies, and appoints such assistants as seems necessary to aid them with these duties. The Chancellor of the Exchequer keeps records of all transactions of the Kingdom Account and requires such records from individual people or groups responsible for the monies of Meridies due to hosting Kingdom events."

If you are curious about the financial health of your local Shire and have questions on how you can help, talk with your Exchequer!

Office of the Herald

This officer is special in that there are many responsibilities for this office. The two most common "versions" of Herald in the Kingdom of Meridies is the Book Herald and Voice Heralds. Book Heralds help SCAdians research and choose historically accurate names and badges for their persona. Voice Heralds announce important information and competition results at events. According to the Herald page for the Kingdom of Meridies:

"Heralds in the SCA have many jobs and many names. Book heralds help research period naming and armorial practices for the registration of names and armory for the populace. Voice heralds call announcements, proclaim who is fighting upon the field, and declare the voice of nobility in court. Protocol heralds record awards and honors bestowed, draft ceremonies, and determine precedence and other period legal niceties in all sorts of situations. Heralds also work closely with the College of Scribes, whose art and artistry with pen and brush make what we do beautiful. The Beacon Herald is responsible for the conduct of the College of Heralds, the Masters/Mistresses of the List, and for all the Heralds and Pursuivants of the local branches of the Society under the Crown of Meridies."

If you want to begin researching your official SCA name talk with your Shire's herald!

Office of the Historian

This office is usually held at the Kingdom level but a Shire or local group could have their own historian. Local officers in this capacity would be focused upon keeping clear records of important events for their Shire and maintaining that information. According to the Historian page for the Kingdom of Meridies:

"The Kingdom Historian is charged with the custody of the history of Meridies and is be responsible for maintaining records of all events of note, including Meridian Kingdom events, and any activities of historical importance to the Kingdom. The Historian maintains the genealogy of the Royal House of Meridies, any retired regalia of historical significance, and is responsible for the coordination of local branch historians to maintain good record of the history of all branches within the Kingdom. "

If you are curious as to whether your local branch has any interesting historical events, check and see if they have an historian who would be happy to regale you with the tales!

Office of the Marshal

This office is one of the most well-known in the kingdom. For many, the fighting arts or what draw them into the SCA; keeping our fighters safe is therefore imperative. Heavy, rapier, thrown, and archery events cannot be held without the correct marshal and these men and women are carefully trained to ensure fair combat and safety are always top priority. According to the Marshal page for the Kingdom of Meridies:

"The Earl Marshal has the primary responsibility for combat upon the field, for promoting the safety of all Society combat within the Kingdom, and for the correct training of combatants. The Earl Marshal, or his appointed representative, oversees all fighting at Kingdom level events. They have the responsibility for the conduct of the various Knight Marshals of the Kingdom and any other duties as are appropriate to the Marshallate. The Earl Marshal or his Knight Marshals act as the Crown's Representative when on the field to ensure the adherence to the Rules of the Lists."

If you have any questions about fighting, what gear is needed, or even lessons, talk with your local Marshal and they will be happy to assist you!

Office of the Minister of Children

This office focuses on ensuring that the youth in the SCA are receiving adequate supervision and classes and entertainment that is age appropriate. This officer must pass a background check in order to hold this title. According to the Minister of Children page for the Kingdom of Meridies:

"The Kingdom Minister of Children is responsible for fostering the education of the children of Meridies between the ages of 5 to 16 on medieval activities and the Society. They oversee the children's activities at Kingdom-level events and develop curriculum for, and administer, the Page's School."

If you have questions about bringing your children into the SCA or helping with children's activities, talking with your local Minister of Children is your first step!

Office of the Seneschal

Perhaps the most important office for any local Shire or Branch is that of the Seneschal. The Seneschal is the officer that represents the Shire and is the legal authority within it. They know (or know where to find) the laws and bylaws for the Shire on up to Kingdom level. They work in tandem with the rest of the voting members of the Shire to facilitate actions and change, set up events, utilize Shire funds, and generally make sure that anything that happens in the Shire is does not present a negative view of the SCA to the rest of the world. According to the Seneschal page for the Kingdom of Meridies:

"The Seneschal of the Kingdom, as the chief representative of the Board of Directors, is the supreme legal authority within the Kingdom in all matters relating to the Society's responsibility and relationships with the designated legal community of local, county or parish, state, and federal governments. The Kingdom Seneschal coordinates the activities of other Kingdom Officers for the correct functioning of the Kingdom and advises the Crown on Corporate and Kingdom Law."

If you have any questions regarding rules, regulations, or even simply who you should talk to about a particular question you have, your local Seneschal is a good place to start!

Office of the Webminister

As technology continues advance, this officer has become more and more important to the local branches. This officer oversees the publishing and maintaining of online materials for their Shire. They ensure all posts meet copyright guidelines and that protections are put in place to keep safe those that visit their local websites. According to the Webminister page for the Kingdom of Meridies:

"The Kingdom Webminister oversees design, publishing, and maintenance of the Kingdom website and its subdomains. The Webminister also supervises the local Webministers and may also have at-large deputies that help design and maintain local websites when a local Webminister is not available."

If you have any questions on how to keep up-to-date with happenings in your local Shire or how to email members, the Webminister is a good person to ask!